Donna Thompson
Do you ever think that there’s so much in the world you can’t change—the weather, traffic, your in-laws? Well, I have good news for you. There’s something important that you can change right in your own backyard. It’s not often that an opportunity like this comes along.
You can make a measurable and life-altering change for 3rd graders in Pinal County who are struggling to read. If you’re reaching for your wallet, don’t. They don’t need your money. They only need your time.
Less than 32% of Pinal County 3rd graders read at level. Can you imagine what your life would be like if you struggled to read? So, these kids need reading tutors—lots of them. Tutors come from all backgrounds and careers. No prior teaching experience is necessary. Being a reading tutor is one of the most rewarding roles on the face of the earth.
This amazing program has come to life under the auspices of in conjunction with the Experience Corps of the AARP. The reading program is science-based, well-structured, and proven to dramatically improve reading scores. And it’s designed to be convenient for the retiree lifestyle. Tutor training is online. Tutoring is performed twice a week and can be virtual or in person, whatever you choose. And it’s all free to you and to the students. Books, supplies, and tablets are provided.
The tutoring schedule follows the school year and is designed to be flexible to meet your travel plans. Subs are always available.
Now is the time. We’re recruiting a new batch of reading tutors to begin in Pinal County schools the first quarter of 2025. Don’t delay. Find out more by contacting [email protected].