Tag: Books

Yes, You Can Make a Difference

Donna Thompson Do you ever think that there’s so much in the world you can’t change—the weather, traffic, your in-laws? Well, I have good news for you. There’s something important that you can change right in your own backyard. It’s not often that an opportunity like this comes along. You can make a measurable and…

How Modern Life Is Redefining Our Reading Habits

As our lives become increasingly busy and technology-driven, our reading habits are changing in ways that significantly impact our cognitive development and cultural engagement. A recent article on Abtaba.com provides a look at current reading statistics, revealing trends especially relevant to those who have grown up with a love of books and the written word.…

Her Story in Historical Fiction

Renee Mazin History has not celebrated the contributions and achievements of women as much as men. This month, Book Nook wants to set the record straight by highlighting some of these women who deserve more recognition. Instead of examining the exact historical record, many authors represented in the SaddleBrooke Libraries collection tell the stories of…

The Book I’m Going to Publish

Stuart Watkins When I’m not writing, I’m lonely. When I’m writing, I feel I am among friends, or soon will be. Poets, authors, play writers, song writers; they are all there waiting to share my words, my thoughts, my ideas. And, sometimes they write back with their views and comments. Sometimes they don’t. And I…

STEM students publish book

Sidonia St.Germaine Did it really happen or was it all a dream? The answer comes at the end of this delightful story written by four students from Mammoth Elementary STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) School and their science tutor, Steve Rumsey from SaddleBrooke’s Unit 43. The story tells of grade school kids’ adventures in…

“The Fountain of Youth” is out and making news

Author Steve Shear

Steve Shear A love affair, a teenager in deadly trouble, a possible Nazi in hiding, and a battle to escape dementia—high drama at the Fountain! Hello to SaddleBrooke from northern California. We miss all of our friends, especially those of you involved in The PrimeTime Players and The Senior Village. This is to let you…

SaddleBrooke author publishes book on buying citizenship

Stuart Watkins published an information chapbook on buying citizenship by investing in various nations

Stuart Watkins published an information chapbook on buying citizenship by investing in various nations, including the United States. Many nations offer dual citizenship programs that require investment in the nation, or depositing a certain amount of money in their bank. These amounts range from $125,000 to $500,000 to $1,000,000. In the United States there is…