Jewish Friendship Group Stronger Together

Marsha Mantykow

Our Nov. 13 Ladies Coffee was a lovely get-together. Thank you, Eileen Zelmanow and Hara Lipman, for hosting and providing delicious treats. We were happy to welcome our snowbirds back and introduce new members into our family. These Coffees are the perfect way to spend a morning.

I have heard, from a very reliable source, that the November Men’s Dinner was an evening of interesting conservation and good food. More than a dozen men showed that camaraderie is alive and well in the Jewish Friendship Group.

If you missed those fun-filled events, don’t worry. You have more opportunities.

Chanukah/Charity Dinner, SaddleBrooke One Vistas Restaurant, Dec. 17 at 5:30 p.m. Tucson’s own Klezmerkaba band will provide entertainment while we enjoy a delicious meal of either salmon or brisket. This lovely evening benefits young patients at Tucson’s Children’s Hospital. Please bring either unwrapped gifts or gift cards. We make a difference in these kids’ holidays. Both members and non-members are invited. The cost is $34 per person for members and $39 per person for non-members.

Men’s Dinner, SaddleBrooke One Vistas Restaurant, Dec. 19 at 5:30 p.m. This is the perfect opportunity to talk about how much fun you had at the Chanukah Party and how beautiful your significant other looked. RSVP to Steve Rosen by Dec. 16 at [email protected].

Ladies Coffee, Jan. 8. The Coffee will be hosted by Sandy Rosen and Marsha Mantykow at Sandy’s house. When Linda Kaprosy, our Ladies Coffee coordinator, asks for someone to host the next Coffee, please be the one who says, “Me.” We can’t do this without our members’ participating in hosting or sharing hosting duties with someone else. RSVP to Marsha at [email protected] by Jan. 5.

January Trivia and Pizza Buffet, Jan. 16, SaddleBrooke One RoadRunner Grill. Marilyn Anthony has once again agreed to be our Trivia leader. Bring your appetite and thinking cap. Imagine, having to remember obscure facts without Google! Join us for the fun.

February Meet & Greet, 4 p.m. We encourage anyone interested in joining our family of friends to attend. Current members will be available to answer questions and welcome you. Yes, of course there will be food and drinks.

March Purim Party, TBD. What’s certain is an evening of silly fun! I, for one, can’t wait to see this year’s queen and king.

April Passover Seder. As always, we will be celebrating this holiday together. We are working on the final details.

We encourage all members to attend these monthly events. They are the perfect opportunity to develop friendships, catch up with friends, and create memories. If you’re not a member, we hope you consider joining. Our goal is to continue growing a community of caring people who also like a good time! We are a social club not affiliated with any religious organization. For additional information or questions about these events or the Jewish Friendship Group, please reach out to either of our co-presidents, Sandy Rosen at [email protected] or Eileen Zelmanow at [email protected].