News from GLASS

Upcoming events:

October 12: Insights into the Supreme Court, Part Two: This lecture will focus on the Dredd Scott decision and how it still impacts the Court’s thinking in all important civil rights cases. Discussion led by Jo Ann Ellison, a member of GLAAS and a retired attorney who practiced law in New York City for over 20 years. Since her retirement, Jo Ann has studied and lectured on the Supreme Court.

November 9: Discussion on LGBT Youth and Sexual Identity. Have you ever wondered about the what and why of all those letters after Lesbian and Gay? G L B T Q I? Led by our own Orville Bell. Orville, a member of GLAAS, with over forty years in the field of education, has an impressive background in education and GLBT issues, including: Peace Corps: Lecturer at University of Ghana, Dept. of English; University of Maryland, Adjunct, Dept. English; English Dept. Head, Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland; Recruited to open the Harvey Milk High School, the Nation’s first tax levied school for LGBTQ youth; Director of Education and After-School Programming, Hetrick-Martin Institute, in New York City which addressed the needs of LGBTQ youth.

December 14: Annual Holiday Party. Come and celebrate with GLAAS!

Both events will be at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center from 5:30-7:30 p.m.

GLAAS stands for Gays Lesbians and Allies at SaddleBrooke. Its mission is to use the “power of community and camaraderie to celebrate the lives of gays, lesbians and their allies.” You do not have to be gay or lesbian to be a member of GLAAS. Many of our members are Allies, who have gay and lesbian friends and family. And some of our Allies have not known any Lesbian or Gay people until recently but are interested in being supportive. GLAAS usually meets on the third Friday of the month.

For more information contact us at