Category: September 2018

News from Sunrise Rotary Club

Maggie De Block Jeremiah Pate is a sophomore at the University of Arizona, where he is majoring in Biochemistry. His dedication to research has been acknowledged at both State and International levels. Jeremiah was recognized by Governor Doug Ducey as the 2015 Arizona Future Innovator of the Year. Representing Arizona as a four-year international science…

Español y Más

Join the fall 2018 Spanish classes in SaddleBrooke with instructor Judy Freeman. Remember, learning a new language helps your brain stay fit. Join up to do exactly that and have lots of fun, too! Why just study Spanish anywhere else, when you can learn to speak it with Español y Más? Each step is a…

Learn to ballroom dance

Wanda Ross Have you ever watched ballroom dancing and thought you might like to try it? Now is the time. The SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Club offers free dance lessons for SaddleBrooke residents. Join the Dance Club for only $10 per year and you are ready to start. Dancing is one of the best activities for…

Quick guide to bedbugs

Brianne Spaeth Have you ever driven from the airport in a taxi or stayed in a hotel or Airbnb? Well, if you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then you are at risk of bedbugs! Whilst these can be sorted in your home by hiring a company like, it is harder to avoid…

SaddleBrooke Computer Club

Computer class registration is still open Dennis M Korger Registration officially opened on August 15 and some classes started on September 12. Seventeen classes have openings as the Progress deadline approaches; openings may still be available when this issue arrives at your home in mid-September. Our 17 classroom PCs now have the April 2018 (1803)…

Connecting with the goddess within

Carol Emerson “I never did believe in miracles, but I’ve a feeling it’s time to try. I never did believe in the ways of magic, but I’m beginning to wonder why.” So says singer/songwriter Christine McVie in a song on the 1977 album Rumours. If this thought resonates with you, consider joining a small group…

News from the SaddleBrooke Coin Club

Ken Marich The Columbian Half Dollar is the first U. S. commemorative coin. It was issued to honor the 400th anniversary of Columbus’ first voyage to the New World and to help defray the costs of the 1892 World’s Columbian Exposition. There was fierce competition for the city where the Columbian Exposition would be held.…

Women On Our Own (WOOO)

Liz Boyd WOOO is for single women living in SaddleBrooke who want to stay busy and have fun. Our activities include: Dining Out: We go out for dinner on the third Wednesday of each month and enjoy Tucson’s many good restaurants. Potlucks: On the fourth Saturday of the month, we gather at a member’s home for a…