2 Your Health: How to avoid back surgery: See a chiropractor first.

Editor’s Note: “2 Your Health” is a new column in the SaddleBrooke Progress dedicated to health issues. Each month different doctors and or medical associations, from varying specialties, will be writing on issues of importance. Articles are based on experiences and independent research conducted by the doctors or medical associations. We encourage anyone considering changing medications and or altering medical therapy, as a result of information contained in these articles, to consult your doctor first. Robson Publishing, a division of Robson Communities, Inc. is not liable for information contained in these articles.

Craig W. Brue, D.C.

A recent study from the Mayo Clinic states, “Back surgery is needed in only a small percentage of cases. Most back problems can be taken care of with nonsurgical treatments.” This is good news as it means that there is less chance of you needing surgery that could go wrong, meaning you’d need a medical injury lawyer. There is ample research evidence proving that chiropractic care should be considered before surgical intervention. These are the facts that you need to know about spinal surgery for the treatment of back and neck pain.

A recent study related to work compensation injuries in Washington concluded that the choice for surgery was significantly related to the patient’s initial choice of doctors; a chiropractor or a surgeon. The study found that 43% of the injured workers who first consulted a surgeon had subsequent back surgery within three years. In contrast, only 1.5% of the workers who first visited a chiropractor for back pain had back surgery. And, most patients who chose chiropractic care returned to work following a short period of treatment.

A 2006 Dartmouth Medical School study found that patients who had non-surgical treatment for disc problems improved as much those who underwent surgery. In another study, researchers with the Oregon Health and Science University found that a majority of patients with general low back pain caused by conditions like osteoarthritis did not get good results from surgery. In some instances of surgery, people may actually become injured due to medical malpractice and so the patient might want to take legal action and contact a law firm like this to help them – bakerandgilchrist.com/medical-malpractice-lawyer/.

A recent study in the Spine Journal found that only 26% of the patients who had surgery returned to work in two years compared with the return of 67% of patients who didn’t have surgery. The study also confirmed that there is a significant increase in the use of addicting narcotic drugs with those patients following surgery. Another Spine Journal article followed 400 patients with sciatica (back and leg pain) due to disc herniation. This study found that patients treated with surgery for leg pain had worse symptoms and less ability to function than the non-surgical group.

Because no one is likely to die from back pain, a forward-thinking health maintenance organization with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center has adopted a landmark guideline for the conservative management of spine pain. Their new treatment protocol states that candidates for spinal surgery are required to undergo a three month period of conservative treatment, including chiropractic care, before surgery is to be considered.

In certain cases spinal surgery may be the appropriate option for care; however, the conservative approach to the treatment of back and neck pain should be considered first. Conservative management includes specific spinal adjustments, strengthening and stretching exercises and general lifestyle suggestions for the prevention of recurring pain.

If you are in need of a chiropractor franklin or one closer to home, it might be helpful to do some research online first to help you find a way to treat your back pain.

My advice? Always do the most conservative treatment first. If chiropractic management is not successful, you can always try the more aggressive treatments for back pain.

Dr. Craig W. Brue is an author, lecturer and chiropractic provider in SaddleBrooke, Arizona.