Diana Durham
A Westie is a West Coast Swing (WCS) dancer, creating happiness through partner dancing. Westies don’t have to worry about making mistakes, because WCS is a very flexible dance that can handle an occasional misstep. Becoming a Westie is a fun way to meet people and expand your social network. So, let’s get off the couch and do something active and fun. Take WCS classes this March.
March is definitely West Coast Swing month for the SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Club. On Wednesdays, March 4 – 25 two different sessions (morning and evening) of WCS will be taught. In the morning, from 10 a.m. until noon, Dave Poferl and Mary Borkovec will teach WCS in the Vermilion Room at SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse. This class is for beginners and beyond. To register please email Dave Poferl at dpoferl@aol.com. From 6 to 8 p.m. Brian Hand and Sheila Honey will teach Intermediate WCS in the Mariposa Room at DesertView Performing Arts Center. Please email Sheila Honey at Sheila_honey_5@hotmail.com to register. Sheila said, “We are trying something a little different: all West Coast, all month. The instructors will coordinate to make the classes complement one another.” It’s a great opportunity to take both classes and really nail West Coast Swing and become a Westie on the dance floor.
Classes are available to Saddlebrook Ballroom Dance Club members for free. Non-members are welcome to come and try a class before joining the club, which is easy and inexpensive at only $20 per person per year. For more information go to www.sbballroomdance.com and click on “Membership” near the top of the right-hand column. From the “Membership” page click on “Membership Forms and Info” in the text on the page. That link will take you to additional information, including a membership form for you to fill out and bring to class.
Check the SBDC website, www.sbballroomdance.com, for updates and other activities.
In April, Bob Osborne and Mary Borkovec will teach Bolero. In the evening, learn New York Hustle with Phil Doyle. May will have an interesting tango/rumba fusion class led by Mary and Tom Borkovec. Watch for registration information on the SBDC website or in articles to follow.