SaddleBrooke DGs are selling gorgeous geraniums in a variety of colors in pots and hanging baskets.
Karen Schickedanz
With our winter nearing its end, you might want to bring some color back to your yard. Delta Gamma sorority alumnae in SaddleBrooke have the answer for you!
Delta Gamma is once again selling geraniums to benefit charities supporting the vision-impaired. The group has been holding this annual sale for seven years to support SAAVI (Southern Arizona Association for the Visually Impaired), Paws for Cause, a local 4H club that raises dogs to be trained as guide and service dogs and Sun Sounds, which provides recording and radio broadcasting of reading material for the visually impaired.
Geraniums are available in six inch pots at $7.75 or three for $23 in eight colors: red, white, mosaic red (variegated white and red), orange, salmon, violet, mosaic purple (variegated white and purple) and rose. Also available are ten inch hanging baskets at $18.50 each or two for $36.50 in three colors: red, rose/pink and burgundy.
The ordering deadline is February 12. Orders can be placed with Susan Bodine 825-2315, Beth Effenberger 825-6964 or Margaret Hubert 818-9213. After ordering, checks should be made out to Tucson Delta Gamma Chapter and mailed to Margaret Hubert, 39461 S. McHaney Court, by the order deadline.
Geraniums will be available for pickup on Saturday, February 20 at Margaret’s home in Unit 46.