WOOO Semi-Annual Meeting

Catching up with other WOOOers at the semi-annual membership potluck are Jan Maresca and Pat Rourke (seated), and Dee Berisha, Susan Williams, and Brenda McBride (standing)

Dee Berisha

The ladies of WOOO (Women On Our Own) gathered for their semi-annual potluck to celebrate new members, welcome back snowbirds, share many adventures, and learn about new events being planned. Wonderful food prepared by the participants was enjoyed, as well as several beverage choices.

President Charly McInroy called the meeting to order and introduced several new members in attendance. Leslie Hawkins read the minutes from the last membership meeting in April where the new WOOO Board of Directors had been voted on and approved. Margie Schulte read the Treasurer’s Report, and appreciation was given to Fira Stout and Gloria Peterson for planning and hosting meet-and-greet events for new members. VP Karen Kelly asked members to sign up with her to pick a month and then pick a venue for the monthly Dine Arounds. A reminder was given that events taking place outside of SaddleBrooke always have carpooling available. Brenda McBride announced that most of the 2024 monthly slots for Breakfast and a Book Club were filled, but volunteers were needed to fill a few vacancies. Brenda is also in charge of recruiting WOOO members to host the monthly potlucks in their homes. All a hostess needs is to provide her home, how many she can accommodate, and water. These events are enjoyed by many members, and the themes that the hostesses pick are always enjoyable, with creative and delicious dishes brought by participants to reflect the theme. Brenda also teased those present with upcoming day trips, such as a tour of Monsoon Chocolate Factory, a get-together at Pinspiration to bring out our artsy talents, and a visit to Tohono Chul to walk among the holiday lights and displays.

Several WOOOers have an increasing interest in resurrecting our pre-COVID-19 Travel Club, which would present extended travel opportunities to members. It’s always more enjoyable to travel with another or others rather than alone! Stay tuned for more information!

WOOO continues to welcome into membership any single woman living in SaddleBrooke who is not in a committed relationship. Dues are $10 per year. The events and activities offered are many and varied. Games include bridge, Mexican train, trivia, canasta, progressive hand and foot, and Mah Jongg. Many opportunities to dine out each month include ethnic dining, Dine Arounds, potlucks, Second Saturday, Happy Hour, as well as holiday dinners and wine-tasting events. Other activities such as Movie and a Dinner, day trips, Book Club, and WOOO Walkers keep us busy enjoying life. Those who do not find their favored activity are encouraged to start a new group! If you have any questions or are interested in joining WOOO, please contact our president Charly McInroy at 603-387-0149 or email her at [email protected].