WOOO members Nancy Bowersock, Teresa Warsel, and Brenda McBride are ready to play Mah Jongg.
Dee Berisha
Have you ever tried to play a game of any kind on your own? If your answer is, “Yes, Solitaire,” there is a reason why it has this name—because it’s played alone! Yes, your mind might wander to Jack Lemmon in the scene from Grumpy Old Men that finds him going through the motions of playing chess alone while looking longingly across the street at his new neighbor’s home. We all would agree that life is much more fulfilling when a favorite game can be played with others.
Women On Our Own (WOOO) have chosen not to play our favorite card and board game(s) alone. Our active calendar includes many gaming options. And as our membership grows, so does the selection of games. Fira Stout coordinates bridge on the first and third Friday of each month. Carolee Lawrence welcomes a variety of games, including Mexican Train and trivia, but also encourages any WOOO member to bring her favorite game on the last Wednesday of each month. Progressive hand and foot (Canasta) is led by Debbie Flato on the first and third Monday of each month, and Mah Jongg meets the second and fourth Thursday with Brenda McBride. Locations and times for these events are shared upon joining WOOO. Other activities include Member Monthly Potlucks with a theme, Dine-Around in SaddleBrooke and close vicinities, Dine-Around in the Greater Tucson area, Ethnic Dine-Arounds, Wine Tasting, Book Club, Day Trips, Movie-and-a-Dinner, and WOOO Walkers.
WOOO is an organization in SaddleBrooke for single women who are not in a committed relationship, as well as those women who find themselves as a long-term caregiver to a husband or partner. Our mission is to provide friendship and support to this female segment of our community who are beginning or continuing a solitary journey in life. The life stories of our approximately 230 members bring to life the diversity and the commonality that WOOO represents.
If this organization sounds like something worth exploring for you or someone you know, please contact our president Dee Berisha at 520-906-2626 or [email protected] for more information.