Women On Our Own (WOOO), a club for single women living in SaddleBrooke, has a busy schedule of activities planned for the coming months. For those new to SaddleBrooke, this newly sanctioned group recently became an official SaddleBrooke Club. To join WOOO contact Lynn at lcrookes54@gmail.com. Dues are a one-time fee of $12. Activities for the coming months include:

Dine-arounds: Kicking things off in November, the dine-arounds group hosted a dinner at Vivace Restaurant. Dine-arounds are scheduled for the third Wednesday of the month. Plans are underway for the December event. For where contact the hostess: Julie at ketseib@midrivers.com.

Potlucks: Dine at members’ homes once a month at the Potluck dinners. These are a wonderful way to discover new friends and reconnect with old friends. A long standing tradition of the On Our Own group (now WOOO), the potlucks continue on the fourth Saturday of each month from January through October. For more information, or to receive notice of future events, contact Brenda at bmcb.ret@gmail.com.

Book Club Breakfast and Books: In January there will be an open meeting for all WOOO members who would like to see what the book club is all about. The meeting is on the fourth Friday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in the restaurant at MountainView Clubhouse. The meeting will be in the back room. Different members select the books and facilitate the meeting each month. For more information contact Brenda at bmcb.ret@gmail.com.

Day Trips: The December meeting is a festive hay ride around the community of Winterhaven to view Christmas lights. This will be the 67th year for the festival, one of the longest running festivals of its kind in the country. The Festival of Lights celebrates the holiday season in Tucson and is visited by hundreds of thousands of people from all over southern Arizona. Moreover, the festival is one of the most important events for the Community Food Bank in Tucson, raising over $23,000 and 42,000 pounds of food in 2015. If you come, bring a food donation. Most needed items for 2016:

Cereal, canned soup, canned meat, canned tomato products, canned vegetables, canned fruit. To attend this event with WOOO, please contact: Julie at ketseib@midrivers.com.

Games: Our members meet at homes to play games. If you would like to join them, contact the following members:

Bridge – Terry at terryhand@q.com

Five-Deck Canasta –

Lynn at lynno@wbhsi.net

Mexican Train –

Judi at judiglenn@yahoo.com

Progressive Hand and Foot –

Susie at susie_prescott@hotmail.com

Scrabble –

Sheryll at sheryllmcmanus@yahoo.com

Mahjongg –

Brenda at bmcb.ret@gmail.com

Game Night –

Jan at janmaresca@gmail.com

Travel: Perhaps the most exciting activity is planned for next summer when the group cruises the Norwegian Fjords. The 14 day cruise is aboard the newest ship in the Holland America fleet, the MS Koningsdam, and is rated five stars. Beginning and ending in Amsterdam, the ports of call include: Stavanger, Eidfjord, Alesund, Trondheim, Geiranger, Bergen and Flam.

To sign up for the cruise call Ruthe at 825-2533.