Women On Our Own (WOOO)

Women On Our Own (WOOO) is a group of single women living in SaddleBrooke who want to stay busy and have fun. All of the following activities take place once a month.

Dining out: We go out for dinner and enjoy Tucson’s many good restaurants.

Ethnic dining: Our more adventurous diners go to one of the many ethnic restaurants.

Potlucks: We gather at a member’s home for a potluck dinner and good conversation.

Movie night: Members go out to dinner and a movie.

Dinner in SB: Members meet for dinner at one of the SaddleBrooke restaurants.

Breakfast and Books: Our book club meets at the Mesquite Grill to enjoy breakfast and then discuss the monthly book selection. For more information, contact Brenda McBride at bmcb.ret@gmail.com.

In addition to the above, we also offer:

Games: Interested members gather regularly to play Mexican train, mahjongg, canasta, bridge and others.

Excursions and travel: We periodically sponsor trips to locations both near and far.

Meetups: Ever feel like going to a place or event, but don’t have someone to go with you? You can easily find companions by sending a message through WOOO.

Join WOOO and you will begin receiving information on all of the above activities. You decide which appeal to you. In addition, you will be invited to a wine and cheese reception where you can meet other members and learn more about the organization. There is a one-time fee of $12 to join. If you are interested, contact Pat Rourke at 520-825-6635 or rourkepaz@gmail.com.