WOOO members enjoy the general meeting and potluck dinner held on May 12.
WOOO is for single women living in SaddleBrooke who want to stay busy and have fun. All of the following activities take place once a month.
Dining Out: We go out for dinner and enjoy Tucson’s many good restaurants.
Ethnic Dining: Our more adventurous diners go to one of the many ethnic restaurants.
Potlucks: We gather at a member’s home for a potluck dinner and good conversation.
Movie Night: Members go out to dinner and a movie.
Breakfast and Books: Our book club meets at the Mesquite Grill to enjoy breakfast and then discuss the monthly book selection. For more information, contact Brenda McBride at bmcb.ret@gmail.com.
In addition to the above, we also offer:
Games: Interested members gather regularly to play Mexican Train, Mah Jongg, canasta, bridge and other games.
Excursions and travel: We periodically sponsor trips to locations both near and far.
Meetups: Ever feel like going to a place or event but don’t have someone to go with? You can easily find companions by sending a message through WOOO.
Join WOOO and you will begin receiving information on all of the above activities. You decide which appeal to you. In addition, you will be invited to a wine and cheese reception where you can meet other members and learn more about the organization. There is a one-time fee of $12 to join. If you are interested, contact Pat Rourke at 520-825-6635 or at rourkepaz@gmail.com.