Women On Our Own — “WOOO”

Zita McCoig

Women On Our Own has a new look and feel this year. We are now a sanctioned club that provides single women an opportunity to come together for support and friendship and fun.

We are a large and diverse group. We are tapping into members’ interests to offer more and varied activities. There is truly something for everyone.

We have a number of different game groups and always open to new ideas. We have Books and Breakfast, Dine Arounds, Potlucks and outings, domestic and international travel, hospitality/mentoring group.

We recently went to Canyon Lake for a boat tour and then to lunch in Tortilla Flat. With the super moon there was a night excursion to the top of Sabino Canyon. The recent potluck was hosted by Linda DePew.

The club now has a Board of Directors and informal committees designed to include members in the organization and in creation of new activities.

If you are interested in attending a function or just have questions please contact one of the following board members.

President: LindaAc DePew, lindadp@wbhsi.net

Vice President: Lynn Crookes, lcrookes54@gmail.com

Secretary: Bonnie Wehle, bowehle@gmail.com

Treasurer: Sue Prescott, susie_prescott@hotmail.com

Member at Large: Brenda McBride, bmcb.ret@gmail.com