When Tragedy Strikes, Rotary Strikes Back

Rotarians stuff the truck for L.A. fire victims at Gateway Self Storage with the assistance of Porsche, the dog from the store next door! Back row (left to right): Dan Watson, Wendy Guyton, Jim Taft; middle row (left to right): Tom Shellenberger, Kristi Halvorson, Fran Low, Joe Guyton, Fred Lowry; front row: Porsche, the dog from next door

Barbara Barr Bengen, Assistant Governor, Rotary District 5500

When the horrific fires ravaged Southern California, the Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke and the SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club (SSRC) combined forces to help those in need. Many of the residents in the SaddleBrooke communities lived in those areas and have friends and family who have been directly impacted by this tragedy. The Rotary Clubs of SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch joined together to reach out to SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch residents to gather much-needed items. Both Rotary Clubs also offered the services of their foundations so that people could make contributions to a 501(c)(3) organization.

The SaddleBrooke Rotary Clubs stayed in constant contact with California Rotary Clubs to learn about the needs of those impacted by the fires. We learned that the areas devastated by the fires needed basics such as shovels, rakes, work gloves, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, paper towels, and lawn and leaf bags. There were also special requests for specific items for seniors, medical needs, and pet supplies.

Working together, the two clubs recruited help and donations far and wide. Not only did we get an amazing response from our friends in the SaddleBrooke communities, but also from Rotary Clubs across the Northwest area. Rotary Clubs from Marana, Dove Mountain, and Oro Valley also contributed time, money, and donations.

Gateway Self Storage was kind enough to donate a storage unit for the donations. Residents in SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch delivered items to a community drop-off location. Once a garage was full, items were taken to the storage unit. Northwest Rotary Clubs brought donations directly to the storage unit. We are very grateful for the support of Gateway Self Storage.

What is Rotary? It’s the world’s largest volunteer organization. Rotary Clubs can be found in more countries than the Red Cross, McDonald’s, or Starbucks. Rotary is your friends and neighbors getting together to serve others and make a difference.

Both Rotary Clubs meet at SaddleBrooke Ranch on Thursday. SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club meets on the first and third Thursday at 7:45 a.m. at the La Hacienda clubhouse. The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke meets weekly on Thursdays at the Ranch House. There is an optional lunch at 11 a.m. followed by a meeting and program in the ballroom. Come join us for a meeting or service project and find out just how great Rotary is! Making a difference is so good for your physical and mental health.