Judy Hendricks

Deb Bunker
Eileen J. Snearly
Throughout the year, the MountainView/Preserve Lady Niners (MPLN) play golf Tuesday mornings, either on Preserve or MountainView courses.
By Wednesday at noon, members wishing to play the following week must sign up on the Foretees system. This gives the five pairings team members time to prepare the players on the following week’s roster.
The pairings team members are Becky Lima, Holly Riviere, Linda Miles, Deb Bunker, and Judy Hendricks.
Their assignments are as follows:
1) Assemble a list of players with varying degrees of handicaps.
2) Prepare a roster to inform players who their partners will be that week.
3) Prepare a roster for special tournaments to include outside players.
4) Print the score cards and send them to the pro shop.
5) Tally each player’s score to ensure accuracy before posting to AGA.
To the pairings team members, thank you for all you do to make sure league day play runs smoothly.