Barbara Barr, author, speaker, and educator
Barbara Barr
The ballroom is not available at our regular meeting time in February. Since we will not be able to have a program this month, we thought we’d share a little wellness wisdom.
How would you like to become instantly happier? Or maybe you want to better your overall health? Or perhaps you want to improve your relationships? Or are you looking for greater abundance in your life? What if I told you that there is one thing you can do to achieve these things?
What is this amazing miracle that can make such a difference in your life? It’s called practicing gratitude!
It sounds too easy! And all you have to do is set aside a small bit of time regularly each day to practice gratitude. For some, it’s as easy as regularly thinking of three to five things for which they are grateful each night as they are falling asleep. Others may start their day by thinking of the things for which they are grateful. Still others may write in a gratitude journal. I like to start my day by making a list of those things for which I am grateful.
While this sounds so simple, there has been a lot of research on the results of practicing gratitude. Here are some of the findings:
1. You become happier—almost immediately!
As you shift your thinking from negative to positive, you get almost instant feelings of happiness. If you don’t believe it, try it now!
2. You appreciate the present moment.
As you focus on appreciating the current things in your life, you become more aware of the present moment. This might include gratitude for the people in your life, good health, the food on your plate, and so much more.
3. You’ll see improvements in health.
Numerous studies have shown that the attitude of gratitude has quite an impact on reduced stress and depression, better sleep, improved immune system, and reduction in physical pain.
4. You’ll attract more abundance in your life.
As you practice gratitude, you activate the law of attraction. Since like attracts like, as you focus on abundance, rather than what you are lacking, you are attracting more of what you truly want!
Try this for 21 days and see if you don’t find a tremendous shift in your life! Tell us about your results!
Remember our other classes:
Meditation (complimentary)
Each Wednesday at the Agate Room of the MountainView Arts and Crafts Complex
8:30 a.m.: Instruction for new attendees
9 a.m.: Meditation
New class members can register at reikinaturalhealingus@gmail.com.
Introduction to Reiki First Degree
Learn the history and fundamentals of this healing energy.
Jan. 27 and 28
For more information or to register, contact reikinaturalhealingus@gmail.com.
To learn more about our classes and get the latest updates by email, contact winsbaz@gmail.com to get on our email distribution list. You can also contact Barbara Barr or Patti Gould at winsbaz@gmail.com or call 520-339-7400.