Vital Moves Hits the Streets of SaddleBrooke for Mash Up

Pat Floyd

Vital Moves is alive and well in SaddleBrooke. Owner/trainer Janis Bottai, and instructor/trainer, Jacqueline Brehm, have been hosting online fitness classes for all SaddleBrooke residents for several months now since the pandemic impacted the classes held in the SaddleBrooke One Fitness Center. In order to better serve Vital Moves’ participants, Janis and Jacqueline have formulated and organized a series of five, coordinated fitness sessions, called Mash Up, utilizing the parking lot adjacent to the Fitness Center.

These sessions are being offered on Sundays, April 11, 18, and 25. Mash Up sessions are held from 8:30 to 10 a.m., and cost $10 per session. Participants are asked to bring hand weights, water, and their enthusiasm while they will use a 6 ft. by 6 ft. designated square for their own personal use while exercising.

What is Mash Up? It is a series of exercises, with a warm up and a cool down included. Each session is divided into three segments that are fun, lively, energetic, and creative. Janis emphasizes that each participant should make each exercise their own, working at their individual strength and ability. Exercises focus on balance, strength, coordination, flexibility, and endurance, using music as a focal point.

About 40 enthusiastic ladies filled the parking lot squares for the first session on March 21, which sets the stage for all subsequent sessions. Come join us for fun and fitness while we “enjoy the process and the experience!” For further information, contact Janis at