Sharon Scanlan, Linda Galka, and Benith MacPherson
At Vista de la Montaña United Methodist Church, we continue to grow our ministry outreach with IMPACT Food Bank of Catalina. Every month we collect food and cash to help with their outstanding food bank. Monthly, we average 65 pounds of food. This past Thanksgiving, we delivered 80 individual pies—one pumpkin and one apple for each of the 40 meals IMPACT delivers daily to shut-ins in Catalina. For Christmas we assembled treat bags for each shut-in.
A new tradition that happens on every Super Bowl Sunday is Souper Sunday. Church attendees bring cans of soup to vote for their favorite team! You can vote as often as you like! Last year we donated 155 cans of soup! We will again have Souper Sunday this year on Feb. 2.
Vista has an annual Warm Clothing and Bedding Drive every year. This year it will run through Jan. 26. Please consider supporting this cause with donations of gently used (or new) clothing and/or bedding. All donated items are distributed to neighbors in need in our community. Socks, sweaters, jackets, gloves, and head coverings are especially appreciated, as are blankets and quilts. On Sunday mornings, a clearly identified box is in our narthex and is available for your donations outside of the sanctuary if you want to donate.
Catalina is fortunate to have IMPACT in our community to support our neighbors in need. They can always use volunteers! Their offices are located at 3535 E. Hawser. Vista UMC is located at 3001 E. Miravista Lane on the west side of Oracle, just south of Golder Ranch Road. Enjoy our beautiful 10-acre property, which was formerly a missile site! Our weekly service is on Sunday morning at 10 a.m. Come and join us! The church phone number is 520-825-5367, and our website is