Bruce Hale
In response to inquiries regarding proper etiquette when hiking in proximity to the many antiquities found throughout the Southwest, the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club (SBHC) has invited Dr. Stephen E. Nash of Archeology Southwest to be the featured speaker at the club program on Jan. 15. His presentation titled “Visit with Respect: Archeology Southwest, Preservation Archeology, and You” will be held at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center at 4 p.m. This talk will be an exciting opportunity for hikers and the community at large to learn about these important topics.
For the last four decades, Tucson-based Archaeology Southwest has been a world leader in the practice of preservation archaeology, an ethically grounded research strategy to learn as much as possible about the past without doing damage to sites or the landscape. In his talk, Archaeology Southwest President and CEO Dr. Stephen E. Nash will discuss regional archaeology and what you can do to help preserve irreplaceable cultural resources in the Greater Tucson region and beyond.
Dr. Stephen E. Nash received his Ph.D. in archaeology at the University of Arizona in 1997. Since then, he has worked at the Field Museum in Chicago, the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, and now Archaeology Southwest. He is a recognized world leader in museum curation, science communication, and non-invasive archeological research. He has published nine books and more than three dozen peer-reviewed journal articles on topics ranging from Neanderthal stone tools to tree-ring dating in the American Southwest, and from Russian gem-carving sculptures to the history of museums. In addition, he published more than 60 “Curiosities” columns at, an online anthropology magazine.
Hiking Club programs are held most months on the third Wednesday of the month in the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center at 4 p.m. SBHC members and other SaddleBrooke residents are welcome to attend.