Sylvia Prokop

Darlene Weprich
Though they have been playing for several months now, the Verde Sputters held their first luncheon since March 2020. The luncheon was met with enthusiasm by the players and social members for the opportunity to come together again. We feasted buffet-style upon scrambled eggs, shredded cheese, diced tomatoes, green peppers, salsa, fresh fruit, and cinnamon rolls.
Lydia O’Conner and Barb Rempel led the business part of the meeting. We all sang “Happy Birthday” to those who had a September birthday. Three stars were awarded. Once a Sputter breaks 40, they are awarded a star with their score, which attaches to their name tag. Let me assure you, breaking 40 is not an easy task! The long-awaited stars were awarded to Donna McPherson (35), Jan Haney (36), and Mary Ellen Clark-Sensiba (39). The drawing for the free lunch was won by Sylvia Prokop.
And, after the business meeting, the fun began. Sylvia Prokop, Jean Matheson, Tammy Brown, and Jean Schaffer provided the decorations for the tables and the program Women Who Contributed to Making America Great. We had 16 questions to answer with the identity of these women. I know my brain was racked to come up with any of the names. We had one table of very smart women, however, who answered 15 of the 16 questions. Each one received an organic, handmade soap. Lisa LeFebvre won the door prize of a Rosie the Riveter coffee cup.
As a reminder, there will not be any putting Oct. 4 through Oct. 25, due to maintenance. You can sign up now for the Sputters/Niners event on Nov. 9, and for the holiday luncheon scheduled for Nov. 1. The menu for the holiday luncheon will be roasted turkey with stuffing, cranberry sauce, potato gratin, gravy (in boats on tables), broccoli, rolls and butter, and the dessert is pumpkin praline bread pudding. The deadline for reservations is Oct. 25.
See you there!