Ready to order at Wild Garlic Grill.
Unit 27 Activities
Sue Case
Two Unit 27 events took place in August. Fira Stout arranged another Dine Around, this time at Wild Garlic Grill on Aug. 18. The diners sat in one of two areas on the patio that is attached to the restaurant, one with a more inside feel, and the other outside. Attendance was somewhat low, but those who came were treated to the restaurant’s reliably good food. Some of our newer residents were among the attendees, which provided a great opportunity to get to know each other better.
Melody and Jim Branstrom hosted a Snack and Chat on Aug. 21, and the weather was perfect. This event, also, was not heavily attended, and there was not a great overlap between those attending the two events. However, Snack and Chats are set up to allow for attendees to move around, which in this case provided the perfect opportunity to chat with different residents. Melody is a horsewoman, and she and Jim have decorated their house in a classy, western theme. Anyone who walked by the bar was especially treated to a bit of western nostalgia.
We are all hoping that these Unit 27 activities can continue.
Be cool. Stay well!