Midge Mollenkopf accepts her award as a member of the winning team at Unit 21’s annual golf outing and picnic. Terry Edwards and Larry Wilson were also part of the winning team.
Unit 21
Jim Hagedon
Golf and food are always a winning combination for SaddleBrooke’s Unit 21 residents and on May 28, these two elements, combined with nearly perfect weather, brought out a total of 68 residents for the unit’s annual golf outing and picnic. From the group, 32 residents engaged in a spirited round of golf, and, yes, there were prizes!
As in past years, the gathering assembled at SaddleBrooke One’s Tennis Center. The team of Midge Mollenkopf, Terry Edwards and Larry Wilson were the big winners of the golf event. Thanks to John and Nancy Hanna and their team of volunteers for making it all happen!

A few hearty folks ignoring the heat; photo by Ron Talbot
Unit 27
Sue Case
When Julie and Rob Smith moved to Unit 27 last year, they wasted no time meeting other unit residents and getting involved in unit activities. On Friday, May 26 they hosted their first Snack and Chat event, which drew a big crowd of 42 people! All those attendees brought varied and tasty food items that produced quite a spread, including a fabulous dessert table. Yum! Luckily, the impact of the large number of people was aided by the moderate temperatures that allowed attendees to comfortably go between inside to out. Among the attendees were the newest unit residents, Florica and Dan Weiler. Welcome, Florica and Dan!
Longtime residents Karen and Don Erickson hosted a Snack and Chat on Saturday, June 24 which was a very warm night; however, even so, several hardy unit residents spent some time on the patio before crying “uncle” and retreating to the cool indoors. These summer get-togethers provide the opportunity for residents to discover who is actually in town, as people generally lay low during the hot days before Monsoon. Therefore, it may have surprised many attendees to see so many of their neighbors in attendance. As at past Snack and Chats, the food, both savories and desserts, was quite good and the selections were varied enough that most of those with restricted diets were able to find something they could eat.
The Snack and Chats will continue once every month throughout the year. A reminder, that the Ladies’ Holiday Lunch will be on Thursday, December 7 at Vivace Restaurant and the (combined units) Holiday Party will be Friday, December 8 at the MountainView Ballroom.

Susan Dell, Kathy Bomwell, Pam Eckardt, Sandy Lindquist, Barb Finilli, Margie Buhler, Bonnie Busch; photo by Sharon Sackin
Units 42, 43, 45
Ann Lange
The Preserve (Units 42, 43 and 45) is growing fast with over 250 women. There is no better way for our ladies to gather and meet new neighbors and share information about the wonderful life we have here at SaddleBrooke than the monthly Preserve Ladies Luncheon. The May 19 luncheon was held at P.F. Chang’s where six new residents were given a hearty welcome. The Preserve Ladies Luncheon is organized by Donna Infald and Judy Rogoway who select venues at tasty restaurants or beautiful local resorts. Donna negotiates details with event planners and Judy communicates with The Preserve ladies, taking reservations and arranging car pools. Twenty to thirty ladies attend this fun event each month and explore the interesting places and culinary delights that Tucson has to offer.
Ann Lange
The Preserve (Units 42, 43 and 45) gathered on Sunday, May 28 to enjoy an all-you-can-eat five-flavor gelato social, with sorbet and cookie chasers, catered by Giovanni’s Gelato Café. The event was a true crowd pleaser and the big hit for residents at The Preserve was Salted Caramel. It was a BYOB and C (Bring Your Own Bib and Chair) to the cul-de-sac on Cactus Lane to catch up with friends and to meet new residents while watching the sun set and the stars come out over the Santa Catalina Mountains. Melting moments, chin dribbles and second and thirds were enjoyed by all – young, old and really old proving once again that slurping cold creamery delights never goes out of style. The event was organized by Bonnie Barazani, Social Chairman for The Preserve, who knew exactly how to hit the spot on a warm spring evening.

Ron Barker leads happy Unit 49 residents in a rousing rendition of our unit 49 song Nothin’ Could be Finer than to be a 49er during the annual Memorial Day event; photo by Dave Corrigan.
Unit 49
Shawne Cryderman
Sixty-three enthusiastic patriots dined at the HOA2 Mesquite Grill (in air-conditioned comfort) on Monday, May 29. Together they laughed, sang and shared old war stories about past Memorial Day events and celebrations. The room was decorated with red, white and blue and each festive table center piece had a small American flag as its focus. The Unit 49 social committee purchased red poppies for each person to wear, supporting the American Legion Auxiliary.
The meal of chicken or beef tacos or tortillas, cooked Mexican corn and cowboy style baked beans was delicious and the dessert scrumptious! Chef Alan at the Bistro really went all out for our event.
The evening’s highlight was a performance by Colonel (retired) Ron Barker, former commander of Ramstein Air Base in Germany, as he serenaded the crowd with his ukulele. Everyone joined in on each chorus and an especially rousing rendition of Nothin’ Could be Finer than to be a 49er was sung by everyone several times.
As the newest unit in SaddleBrooke, the residents of Unit 49 like to get together, socialize, party and have fun! There is a scheduled Meet Your Neighbor party every other month and we have happy hour at the MVCC Bistro lounge the second Tuesday of every month as well as special events to include the Memorial Day Party, Fourth of July Patriotic Bash, an Ice Cream Social in August, Veterans’ Day picnic at Catalina State Park, our holiday party in December and the annual Chili Cook-off in January.