Community top shots: Front (left to right): Greg Ray, PebbleCreek; Ron Schroer, Robson Ranch; Jack Toews, Sun Lakes; back (left to right): Dave Dobson, SaddleBrooke; Dennis Abbey, SaddleBrooke Ranch; Dave Athey, Quail Creek
Vicki Ray
Dave Dobson and Ken Peterson tied for first place among the five trap shooters representing SaddleBrooke at this year’s Robson Trap Trials held March 22 at Tucson Trap and Skeet. Dave broke the tie with Ken by hitting more consecutive targets before a miss. Dave took home the trophy. Shooters from Robson communities across Arizona convened for the 13th annual event.
Participants shot three rounds of trap singles and capped the day with lunch and awards. As last year’s winner, Quail Creek hosted this year’s event and will host again in 2025.
This unique trap-shooting contest combines the top five individual scores from each community to determine a community score and a winning community. Those five shooters each receive a trophy. Trophies also go to the top shooter in each community and the top three female and male shooters across all communities.
2024 Community Scores
Quail Creek, 341
Robson Ranch, 334
SaddleBrooke Ranch, 329
PebbleCreek, 316
Sun Lakes, 298
SaddleBrooke, 264
SaddleBrooke Scores
Dave Dobson, 58
Ken Peterson, 58
Bob Evans, 54
Cash Striplin, 48
George Grove, 46