Freethinkers gathered at the Roadrunner Grill.
Fran Berman
About 25 people attended the November 19 social gathering of SaddleBrooke Freethinkers and guests during happy hour at the Roadrunner Grill. Attendees included residents of SaddleBrooke One, SaddleBrooke Two and SaddleBrooke Ranch. In this season of thanksgiving, we’re all thankful we live in a country where we can express our ideas freely without fear of reprisal or oppression, no matter how mundane or provocative the topic.
Thirdsty = Third plus thirsty. When you combine Third Thursday with Thirsty Thursday, you have Thirdsty Thursday. It’s an informal two hour casual mixer for SaddleBrooke Freethinkers to get to know each other better in a casual setting. Come join us to circulate and percolate.
When is it? From 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. on the third Thursday of every month year-round in the Roadrunner Grill, so put it on your calendar. There is no guest speaker, topics list or formal agenda. And you don’t have to be a member to attend. Regardless of political, religious or sexual preference, or any other criterion, all are welcome.
Can’t make it on time? Need to leave early? No worries! Just pop in when you can and leave when you must. You’re also welcome to attend our more structured monthly meetings which are usually held the fourth Sunday morning each month, October through April. As the venue sometimes changes, be sure to check www.sbFreethinkers.wordpress.com for announcements of upcoming events and summaries of past programs.
We are a non-sectarian group with no creeds, no dogmas, no obligations and no dues. According to our organizational charter, we “believe in the responsible search for truth and meaning and in the application of reason and science to the understanding of the universe and the solving of human problems. We believe that tolerance, compassion, equity and civility should characterize the interaction among peace-loving persons and organizations.