Christine Reding
To preserve frozen meat, the animal was suspended
From the height of a tree, with its trunk being shaved back
Preventing the wolverines causing the carcass from being upended
Not even nibbling on the smallest portion of chack
During the day the frost was sparkling with whitish sheen
At night casting shadows of blue on the darkened crusty snow
Women decorating clothing with ermine and glass beads to preen
Men’s bodies draped in buffalo hides their strength to show
Equipped with spears or bow and arrow pointed with chert points or flint
Lowering mesh nets with cut grooves in small stones for sinkers
Utilizing torches to attract suckers, catfish, and sunfish with glint
Wrapping the catch in clay to peel the scales off during midwinter
La Crosse paddles were developed by the Oneidans during the age of antiquity
Deer antler bones rounded, sanded, and cut into 8 colorful game pieces
The snowsnake was an icy path utilizing a stick to carve length with dignity
Agility, concentration, and competition expanded their minds to increase
Spirituality pronounced during the winter months with entwined sticks inviting
Iroquis believed that the part of your spirit could leave a body that was sleeping
Woodhenge constructed of a circle of posts representing ornamental sightings
The Ghost Dance calling on the dead to save their frigid lives in keeping