Laurie Colen
Your board has been planning events for the coming year; many of the old favorites will be back, and we are aiming for some new and different ones—depending on what our membership suggests. (Yes, that is a hint!)
Our activities resume in September with Sam Horowitz speaking in our lecture series on Sept. 14 about his family history and the origins of the Horowitz Margareten brand. We hope to be able to present this lecture in person. We have made arrangements for our fall potluck on Wednesday, Oct. 27, and we have secured the Vistas at SaddleBrooke One for our annual Chanukah Party on Nov. 29.
Our popular monthly Ladies’ Coffee starts up once again in October, and our very popular book group plans to resume operations in October; the voting for the 2021-22 year has begun.
We are aware that there has been a great turnover in SaddleBrooke, and there are many new residents. We are a social group and invite anyone who would like more information about this group to contact the names below. The group’s mission is to perpetuate the traditions of the Jewish faith in a social environment. In addition to our regular members, whom we haven’t seen because of the pandemic, we look forward to meeting our new residents who wish to join us.
If you would like further information regarding the Jewish Friendship Group, feel free to contact President Marilyn Anthony by email at or Deputy President Susan Berman at 520-818-1954.