Club Secretary Karen Pearce (in the foreground) enjoys the casting clinic.
Linda Lyon
Even though it isn’t quite prime fishing season, the SaddleBrooke Fly Fishers (SBFF) have been busy here in SaddleBrooke. We held a fly–tying clinic at our February meeting where members learned how to tie four different flies for use in four different types of water. Then, at the end of March, we fueled ourselves with a wonderful Italian-themed potluck dinner at the SaddleBrooke One Tennis Center pavilion. Social Chair Carey Ricard made the spaghetti and lasagna, and other members brought salads, sides, and desserts. At the March meeting, member and expert caster Walt Balek coached a casting clinic for eight members wanting to step up their games. Continuing on the instruction theme, the April 22 meeting will include knot tying, line selection, and “reading” the water. Then, Club President Jim Vogel will give a presentation on fly fishing in Alaska at the May 20 meeting.
Although many club members take off during the summer to fish other locales, there are several places to fish throughout the year for trout (and a variety of other species) right here in Arizona. Activities Chair Andy Rybolt is looking at offering a day trip to a Southern Arizona lake in late April or early May, and later that same month, he has arranged a small group trip to the X Diamond Ranch’s special waters in the White Mountains.
The SBFF is committed to furthering interest in the sport of fly fishing and is open to all SaddleBrooke residents. Our meetings are normally held on the fourth Monday of each month at 4 p.m. in the Catalina Room next to the MountainView Golf Pro Shop. To learn more about the club and how to join, please email us at SaddleBrookeFlyFishers@gmail.com.