The First-Ever Fit Fest

Patti Gould and Barbara Barr, founders of the Wellness Integrated Network of SaddleBrooke, plan Fit Fest with Janette Pyle, director of the Wellness and Fitness Department of SaddleBrooke TWO, and Bry Deter, fitness coordinator of SaddleBrooke One.

Barbara Barr

Mark your calendar for Friday, Jan. 7, for the very first Fitness Festival (Fit Fest) at the MountainView Ballroom at 1 p.m. The Wellness Integrated Network (WIN) will be featuring demonstrations and the 411 on fitness programs from both SaddleBrooke One and SaddleBrooke TWO. You will meet Bry Deter, fitness coordinator for SaddleBrooke One, and Janette Pyle, director of the Wellness and Fitness Department of SaddleBrooke TWO, as well as several members of their staff. This is your chance to see demonstrations and learn firsthand about ways to support your wellness goals, so don’t miss it.

At Fit Fest there is something for everyone, and you will learn about fun classes and fitness training where you can:

• Lose weight

• Eliminate pain in the back, hip, knee, ankle, shoulder, elbow, and wrist and alleviate migraines and plantar fasciitis

• Improve posture

• Stimulate the nervous system

• Increase range of motion

• Create functional strength

• Strengthen the heart and help clear the arteries

• Improve lung capacity

• Stimulate the body’s immune system

• Improve mental health

• Manage Parkinson’s disease

• Build strength

• Learn about cardiovascular training, which is extremely crucial in maintaining your body and mind

• Learn about three different types of yoga

• Reduce your risk of disease

• Manage chronic illness

• Stay socially active

• Sleep better

• Learn about Parkinson’s classes and chair classes

• Push yourself harder

• Work on sports performance

• Improve balance and prevent falls

• Learn about options with personal trainers and small group training

• Build your accountability

Remember our other classes:

Meditation (complimentary) is each Wednesday at the Agate Room of the MountainView Arts and Crafts Complex

3:30 p.m.: Instruction for new attendees

4 p.m.: Meditation

New class members can register at

Watch for new classes in January.

The Wellness Integrated Network is open to all SaddleBrooke residents. Come join our community of learners on our wellness journey. Watch for details in the papers and other announcements. You can also contact Barbara Barr or Patti Gould at or call 520-339-7400.