The November 3 kick-off movie for the 2015-16 season will be I’ll See You In My Dreams. This is literally a made for SaddleBrooke movie! It stars a number of, um, mature actors led by Blythe Danner and Sam Elliot. It’s about finding romance again late in life. No shooting, no murder, no mayhem. Just romance. Ahhh.
The season opener will also feature important new equipment in the DVPAC. A new movie screen, several times the size of the old one, has been installed. A new, high quality projector will also make its debut providing a sharper image for us. Sorry, but food and drink are still no-no’s at all performances.
The DVCC has also inaugurated a new look website. It is up and running now. We should all thank Ruslan Niyazimbetov, the HOA 2 web developer (and our movie day projector operator) for his excellent work. Fortunately, our e address remains the same: In addition to the movie schedule for the upcoming weeks, there is a live link to each movie’s trailer. Thus, just a mouse-click allows you to know what each movie is about.
The website also has a live link to our Treasurer Bob Goodman to get the 2016 membership form. (This form will also be available at the theater on movie days.) Membership remains $10 per person; admission is $2 for members and $3 for non-members at all shows. The DVCC’s email address remains for those who wish to volunteer for the club, those with suggestions and any questions/comments you have.
The DVCC will continue to make our schedule available in as many forms as possible. Our publicist Dick Fleming will continue to see that SaddleBag Notes and SaddleBrooke Progress have updated schedules. Movie club schedule flyers will be available at the HOA 1 office, the HOA 2 Administration Building and in the DVPAC. The Unit Reps receive a Weekly Movie Reminder email describing the following week’s show. Finally, Bob Goodman sends out an email reminder to all club members.
Come and enjoy the show.