Tag: Health Fair

Health fair needs help

Phyllis Ketring The Health fair planning committee needs a volunteer coordinator to join the team for this year’s October health fair. This person must have strong interpersonal skills to recruit and communicate with volunteers and interact with the planning team. Some familiarity with Excel and email would be useful. During the year, there are monthly planning…

2019 Health Fair expands

Gold Ranch first responders at the 2018 Health Fair.

Phyllis Ketring, publicity coordinator Health Fair 2019 will be held on Saturday, Oct. 12, from 9:00 a.m. to noon. The Health Fair is one of the largest, volunteer-driven events in our community. The fair has become so popular that the planning committee has had to turn away nearly 30 exhibitors each year. Therefore this year,…

Save the date for the Health Fair on October 12

Phyllis Ketring, Publicity Coordinator This year’s Health Fair will be Saturday, October 12, 9:00 a.m.–noon. Mark your calendars and encourage your traveling friends to return in time for the big day. The spirit of volunteerism is part of the fabric of SaddleBrooke and the Health Fair is one of the largest, volunteer-driven events in our…

Mini-lectures at tennis pavilion during health fair

Mini-lectures have become a favorite activity at the Health Fair. These three presenters will speak at the Tennis Pavilion. Shuttles will make a special stop near the pavilion. Dr. Mohammed Dardari SaddleBrooke, 9:30 a.m. Dr. Dardari recently joined the Northwest Allied physicians’ team at SaddleBrooke. His education is a perfect fit for our community. He completed…

October Health Fair

  Phyllis Ketring Health Fair 2018 will be Saturday morning, October 13. The planning committee is pleased that the University of Arizona pharmacy students will be here once again. Expect to see immunization providers, skin cancer screeners and much more. You will have an opportunity to meet SaddleBrooke’s newest physician, Dr. M. Khaled Dardari. He…

Health Fair celebrates 20 years

Dispose of unused medications and donate old eyeglasses.

Phyllis Ketring The SaddleBrooke Health Fair celebrates its twentieth anniversary on Saturday, October 14, 9:00 am to noon, at the SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse. Parking is at MountainView with luxury coaches shuttling between MountainView and SaddleBrooke One. Shuttles run until 1:30 p.m. to allow time for lunch at the Roadrunner. Parking for golf carts and cars…

Mini-lectures being offered during the Health Fair

Dr. Scott Sheftel

Dr. Scott Sheftel – 9:30 a.m. Founder of Healthy Skin Dermatology A long-time underwriter of the Health Fair, Dr. Sheftel specializes in surgical oncology, laser surgery, skin laser resurfacing and sclerotherapy. He will discuss detection and prevention of skin cancer, the most common cancer diagnosed in Arizona. During Dr. Sheftel’s presentation, his team will be…

Health Fair seeks volunteers

Dr. Joseph Christiano, Neurosurgeon

Phyllis Ketring The Health Fair has vacancies on every team right now. That is good news if you have a particular preference. We need people to greet vendors, provide information and assist during the fair, help with surveys and support vendors as they take down exhibits. One of the most pressing needs is for help…

Health Fair volunteers needed

Phyllis Ketring The SaddleBrooke Health Fair celebrates its 20th anniversary, Saturday morning, October 14. The Planning Committee is already actively seeking volunteers. The Health Fair relies on over 100 – 125 volunteers to serve the 50 exhibitors and over 1000 attendees. One of the reasons for the high number is that each volunteer works only…

Happy Anniversary Health Fair

Phyllis Ketring The SaddleBrooke Health Fair celebrates it 20th anniversary this year. Today the SaddleBrooke Fair is one of the largest, volunteer-driven events in our community. Please mark Saturday morning, October 14, on your calendars to attend this 20th anniversary event. Many people have reported that they have been alerted to a problem discovered during…