Mary Baglien The eighteenth annual MountainView Women’s Collegiate Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, March 18 and Saturday, March 19. Kansas State and the University of Missouri will again host this year’s tournament. This year’s 15-team field includes the following schools: Colorado State, Georgia, Iowa State, Kansas State, Kennesaw State, Middle Tennessee, Minnesota, Missouri,…
Tag: Golf
Sports, January 2016
Sports, January 2016
President’s Cup won by Deb Bunker

Deb Bunker won the MountainView/Preserve Lady Niners (MPLN) President’s Cup Tournament for the second year in a row with the lowest net score among all the players. Participants in the two day flighted tournament played nine holes at the Preserve on Monday, November 9 and nine holes at MountainView on Tuesday, November 10, 2015. First…
Sports, January 2016
SaddleBrooke Lady niners announce new board
Sports, January 2016
Kay and Raye are State Medallion qualifiers

Joyce Sutay The MountainView Preserve Lady Niners (MPLN) is proud to announce our qualifiers for the State Medallion at the PebbleCreek Golf Course in January. Each year Arizona Women’s Golf Association (AWGA) leagues throughout the state send two of their golfers to compete for the ultimate win – the State Medallion! Four days specified during…
Sports, January 2016
The SBWGA welcomes you to the 2016 season
Sports, January 2016
The M-PMGA is the Javelina Cup Champion for 2015
Sports, January 2016
MPLN Aces of the month

The MountainView/Preserve Lady Niners (MPLN) Ace of the Month matches presented the following winners for the fourth quarter: October – Low Gross Phyllis Cadden, Low Net Barbara Brown November – Low Gross Kay Tomaszek, Low Net Barb Smith December – Low Gross Joyce Sutay, Low Net Anne Marie Strubel Congratulations to all these ladies for…
Features, January 2016
Charlotte James selected for state honor

Barbara Johnson A lot of SaddleBrooke residents recognize Charlotte James from many different perspectives: she organizes events such as Trivia Night and Ladies’ Day Out; she loads the buses for events outside of SaddleBrooke and she is a very active member of the SaddleBrooke Lady Niners. It is in this last capacity that she has…
Clubs & Classes, January 2016
MountainView Lady Putters celebrates with snow

Shannon Martinell December 14, 2015, the MountainView Lady Putters held their annual holiday luncheon. Over 100 putters turned out in holiday attire for this annual event. Festive tinsel trees and poinsettias served as centerpieces and the Vistas Dining Room was adorned with holiday decorations. President Stef Modos introduced the Coyote Country Cloggers – Diane Korn,…