Tag: Golf

MPLN tournament winners

Left to right: Joyce Sutay, Carol Thompson, Susan Elliott, Becky Fisher, Carol Larson

Diane Mazzarella Recent MountainView/Preserve Lady Niners (MPLN) Ace of the Month tournaments presented the following winners: September – Low Gross Charlene Grimm, Low Net Shirley Miller October – Low Gross Joyce Sutay, Low Net Susan Elliott November – Low Gross Carol Thompson, Low Net Judy Hendricks December – Low Gross Becky Fisher, Low Net Carol…

Thank you, MountainView/Preserve Golf Community

On behalf of the Greens Committee I want to thank all members of the SaddleBrooke HOA2 golfing community for their generosity in making this year’s appreciation lunch one of the most successful. In addition to individual contributions, I would like to extend a special thanks to the various golf associations that enhance our golfing experience.…

Congratulations – 2016 Robson Challenge Team members

Back row: Janey Clausen, Jeana Hodges, Karen Wilson, Karen Erickson, Pro Ken Steinke, Bev Smith, Atissa Campbell, Kate Pope; front row: Jenni Long, Denny Dalton, Ann Martin, Nan Lemos, Lonnee Plattner

Janey Clausen The 2016 Robson Challenge Golf Tournament was held on Wednesday, November 16 at Eagle’s Nest Golf Course in PebbleCreek. MountainView/Preserve was represented by 12 MPWGA players and Pro Ken Steinke. Special recognition goes to Lonnee Plattner who scored 88 and took first in her flight and to Karen Erickson who finished fifth in…

MPLN President’s Cup

President’s Cup winners, left to right: Karyle Steele, Linda Rouse, Karen Koch, Marilyn Horn; photo courtesy of Holly Riviere

Diane Mazzarella Karyle Steele won the MountainView/Preserve for the second year in a row with the lowest net score among all the players. Participants in the two-day flighted tournament played at MountainView on Monday and Tuesday, November 7 and 8, 2016. First place flight winners were first flight Linda Rouse, second flight Karen Koch and…

Fourth annual Golf Cart Parade December 21

Valerie Malik Four years ago several HOA 1 couples got together and decided that a Christmas golf cart parade would be a lot of fun. So, they decorated their carts with lights and holiday cheers. Before the parade they met at one of the couple’s home for drinks and appetizers. As soon as the sun…

MPLN honors 2016 sponsors

First place team (left to right): Sponsor Nova Home Loans Sean Wood, guests Debbie Ogle and Gail Fosmire and MPLN member Phyllis Cadden; photo courtesy of Holly Riviere

Diane Mazzarella The MountainView/Preserve Lady Niners honored their 2016-2017 sponsors at the Grab a Gal and Golf tournament on October 26, 2016 at MountainView golf course. A record number of members, guests and sponsors participated in this Halloween-themed event. Sponsors who were able to be away from their businesses to participate in the tournament received…

SBWGA news

Brenda Brown--SBWGA president; Miracle Ear representatives Russ Arpasi and Nate Buck; Nancy Hoffman--Membership

  Bonnie Barker On November 1, 3 and 8 forty members of SBWGA participated in the annual Cactus Classic, a three day net tournament. Hooray for the Red, White and Blue was the tournament theme this year. Lynn Stewart was the overall champion with a three day net score of 206. Congratulations to Lynn for…

MPLN elects new officers


Diane Mazzarella MPLN members elected their 2017 Executive Committee at a business meeting in conjunction with the President’s Cup Tournament on November 8, 2016. Congratulations to new officers Kathy Schoenwetter, president, Linda Rouse, vice president, Judy Hendricks, secretary and Deb Bunker, treasurer. Susan Elliott, current president, announced changes to 2017 dues that will benefit all…