Tag: Genealogy Club

Genealogy Club news

Lydia O’Connor March and April were busy months for the SaddleBrooke Genealogy Club. First, nine club members traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah for a ten-day trip to do genealogy research. From all accounts, fun was had by all and a lot was accomplished. Some of the highlights mentioned by travelers include finding family information,…

Genealogy Club notice

Lydia O’Connor At the February SaddleBrooke Genealogy Club meeting, we found that interest in genealogy is alive and well in the SaddleBrooke community. Nine interested people came to the meeting and expressed interest in joining the club. This was the most guests that anyone could remember. The guest speaker for this month was Amy Urman…

Genealogy Club update

Lydia O’Connor Genealogy Club members were treated to a month of special events. We began the month with our guest speaker Sherri Hessick from Tucson, AZ. Sherri is a resident of Tucson with over 20 years of experience as a genealogy lecturer, writer and researcher. She also serves on the Board for Pima County Genealogy…

Genealogy Club notice

  Lydia O’Connor Pat Rourke, club treasurer, welcomed members back from summer trips. Many attendees shared the genealogy findings discovered during the past few months. Chris Nelson, club secretary, provided details about a social event coming up on November 4. This will be an opportunity for members, their spouses or significant others to relax in…

Genealogy Club update

  Lydia O’Connor Have you ever spent a lot of time working with a program that offered other researcher’s family tree only to find out they weren’t really relative? They may have just copied each other’s trees. At today’s meeting, Rondie Yancey, a Genealogy Club member, introduced attendees to a new and informative program called…

April Genealogy Club meeting recap

  Lydia O’Connor The April meeting of the SaddleBrooke Genealogy Club was opened by introducing guests Gerri Taylor, Diane Hodel and Carol Unger. They shared their reasons for interest in the club ranging from being returning members and needing help when running into a “brick wall.” Our guest speaker, Holly Ann Gibson from Oro Valley,…

SaddleBrooke Genealogy Club

  Lydia O’Connor The SaddleBrooke Genealogy Club members and guests received a special treat at the February 1 meeting. Our guest presenter, Karen Hall, an international and national educator and actor, entered in period custome telling of her life and love for her husband Ben Franklin. This was not the usual text book rendition or…

Genealogy Club update

Lydia O’Connor The presenter for the SaddleBrooke Genealogy Club’s first meeting of 2018 was club Vice President Patty Gregory-Burke. She told us about a little-known fact in the constant search for our ancestors: British Home Children, Canada’s Forgotten Children. During the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain, the larger cities became over populated and as a…

Genealogy Club news

Lydia O’Connor The September meeting of the SaddleBrooke Genealogy Club was held at the SaddleBrooke Clubhouse in the Coyote Room. Pat Rourke-Spencer, treasurer, filled in for our president. She presented Treasurer and Audit Reports. At our October 5 meeting, Amy Uman made a presentation entitled The Paper Trail of Death, just in time for Halloween. Our…