Tag: events

Marchons – Marchons: The Musical World of Marches

Punch Howarth Continuing this summer’s look at music forms, this essay will delve into the various applications of marches, military and otherwise. Mostly they are in double time, 2/4, 2/2, 6/8. There are a variety of march types: military, circus, funeral, ceremonial and concert marches for bands and orchestras. Most marches follow an A B…

From your Events Committee at SaddleBrooke One

Monday, July 13 – Bingo Second Monday of every month in the Vistas Dining Room Bingo sales begin at 5:30 p.m. Early bird bingo at 6:45 p.m. Regular bingo begins at 7:00 p.m. (Prices start as low as $3 per pack for 11 games (cash only!) Seating is limited so come early! Full Agave menu.…

13th annual High Holy Day services schedule

The Institute for Judaic Services and Studies announces its thirteenth annual High Holy Day services in SaddleBrooke. Rabbi Sanford Seltzer will be returning to lead services. He has many years’ experience as a pulpit rabbi as well as having served in various academic capacities. The Rabbi has authored numerous publications and the SaddleBrooke community has…

Jewish Friendship Group news

Marilyn Anthony Happy Hour returns on August 12 at 5:00 p.m. in the back bar at the Agave Lounge in HOA1. We hope to be serving vegetarian pizzas and appetizers. There will be no charge for this event and a cash bar. No need to RSVP for this event. Unfortunately the Father’s Day BBQ was…

Putting on the Ritz in the Old Pueblo

Top Hat Winners: Sandy Rowley, Karen Wilson, Ann Martin and Marcia Katz

MountainView Preserve Women’s Golf Association held its annual Member Guest Tournament with 92 ladies playing on April 27 and 28. The theme was Putting on the Ritz in the Old Pueblo with decorations and tee prizes in black and white. Lunch was served at MountainView Ballroom each day. First day play at The Preserve was…

Health Fair needs volunteers

Ken Siarkiewicz, Health Fair Chair, presents a certificate thanking Sheftel Healthy Skin for underwriting the Health Fair.

Phyllis Ketring The SaddleBrooke Community is fortunate to have both the Oro Valley Hospital and the University of Arizona Medical Center at the Health Fair once again this year. The Pharmacy Department of the University of Arizona will return with their hard working, service oriented pharmaceutical students. You will learn more about the wide variety…

50s and 60s Sock Hop in MountainView Ballroom

Tom and Pam are ready to dance at the Sock Hop!

Jane Gromelski Do you remember dancing at Sock Hops in the high school gym? We couldn’t wear shoes because the finish on the gym floor might be damaged, but our Moms were not happy with us when the bottoms of our socks were no longer white. Fortunately the finishes on wood floors today no longer…