The Community Church of SaddleBrooke invites you, your friends, and neighbors to attend our 18th Advent Celebration. This is a very special tradition and is a wonderful way of celebrating the start of the Christmas season. This year’s Advent luncheon will be held on Friday, Dec. 2, at the MountainView Ballroom. Doors will open at…
Tag: Community Church of SaddleBrooke
Religion, October 2021
You Are Invited to the 17th Annual Advent Lunch
The shepherds who came to worship the Christ child have been revered and honored by Christians for centuries. However, at the time of Christ, people would likely have seen shepherds in a far less positive light. Despite being on the lowest rung of the ladder in society, the shepherds’ message caused others to marvel in wonder…
Religion, July 2021
Grief Support Continues
Kristina Turner GriefShare is a Christian-based, 13-week support group that has helped many folks to make the very difficult journey through grief. This Christian-based support group welcomes anyone who has suffered the death of a spouse, child, or other loved one, whether it has been recent or years ago. The program includes a video presented…
Religion, August 2019
Community Church partners with Habitat for Humanity

Carol Thompson Since 2003, the Community Church at SaddleBrooke (CCSB) has supported Habitat for Humanity Tucson as one of our faith-based mission partners. Over the years, CCSB has provided significant monetary contributions to help Habitat work with partner families to assist them in achieving safe, decent and affordable housing. CCSB also provides a new toolkit…
Clubs & Classes, December 2018
GriefShare meets in January

Cari Block Community Church of SaddleBrooke (CCSB) will continue the GriefShare program with meetings at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, January 6 and January 20 at the Parish House. Call or email for directions. Session topics will include: “The Journey of Grief” and “Grief and your Relationships.” This highly regarded video and support group is designed to…
Religion, August 2017
Community Church leaders at Habitat for Humanity

Dick Kroese Since 2007 Community Church of SaddleBrooke (CCSB) has partnered with Habitat for Humanity to welcome the newest cohort of homeowners in southern Arizona. Community Church has provided tool kits to every Habitat homebuyer for the last 10 years. These kits are perfect for fixing minor repairs that the new homeowners are likely to…
Clubs & Classes, September 2015
Community Church announces SaddleBrooke Employee Scholarships

Dick Barr Community Church of SaddleBrooke announces the second year of the Robert Fries Opportunity Scholarship program for eligible employees of the two SaddleBrooke Homeowner Associations. The program is funded by a gift from the Fries Family Trust and administered by Community Church in cooperation with HOA 1 and HOA 2. Last year’s grant of…
Religion, May 2015
Community Church at SaddleBrooke: Palm Sunday Brunch

Carol Thompson As Christians enter Holy Week, few things compare to gathering together to celebrate our common faith and Lord. In that spirit, the Fellowship Committee of the church hosted a brunch buffet on Palm Sunday. As we shared the meal together, the bond of Christian friendship was evident in our conversation, love and fellowship.…
Religion, May 2015
Summer in the Word
Terry Barringer Are you looking for a little spiritual pick me up? The Women’s Ministry at the Community Church at SaddleBrooke has just the offering for you. Summer in the Word is a six week series that will introduce you to some thought provoking subjects. Six women will share their message on a wide variety…
Religion, May 2015
Community Church at SaddleBrooke patio party

Carol Thompson Each spring and fall season the Community Church at SaddleBrooke (CCSB) members host Patio Parties in their homes. This reporter attended her first at the home of Hans and Jonie Spiecker on Friday, April 17. “What I enjoy most is the Christian Fellowship, the opportunity to meet new friends and great food,” explains…