Craig W. Brue, D.C. In the past few years the news media has periodically questioned the safety of neck adjustments that are given by doctors of chiropractic. This article will help you understand the safety of neck adjustments as well as my personal recommendations for effective neck care. Opponents of chiropractic have attempted to smear…
Tag: 2 Your Health
Features, September 2019
2 Your Health: Brue Chiropractic
The medical mismanagement of back pain: the real story behind the serious mistakes doctors are making in daily practice. Dr. Craig Brue The above headline recently appeared in news journals around the country. What are the recommended guidelines that MD’s are not following for the treatment of back pain? The main guideline that MD’s are…
Features, August 2019
2 Your Health: Lower back and leg pain
Editor’s Note: “2 Your Health” is a new column in the SaddleBrooke Progress dedicated to health issues. Each month different doctors and or medical associations, from varying specialties, will be writing on issues of importance. Articles are based on experiences and independent research conducted by the doctors or medical associations. We encourage anyone considering changing…
Features, July 2019
2 Your Health: Sickness comes from sitting
Dr. Craig W. Brue, DC I want to tell you a short story about a patient that has frequent episodes of lower back pain. In spite of going to the gym on a very regular basis, this patient continues to have significant flare-ups of back spasms, restricted movements and lower back pain. During a recent…
Features, June 2019
2 Your Health: You don’t have to live with back and neck pain
Dr. Craig Brue, DC Many of the patients that I see at my clinic have suffered from lower back pain, sciatica, arm/neck/shoulder pain and headaches for a long time. Typically, patients have tried almost everything except chiropractic aid for pain relief medication, physical therapy, exercises, nerve blocks, acupuncture and surgery. And for many patients, these…
Features, May 2019
2 Your Health: How to avoid back surgery: See a chiropractor first
Craig W. Brue, D.C. A recent study from the Mayo Clinic states, “Back surgery is needed in only a small percentage of cases. Most back problems can be taken care of with nonsurgical treatments.” There is ample research evidence proving that chiropractic care should be considered before surgical intervention. These are the facts that you…
Features, April 2019
2 Your Health: Brue Chiropractic – Consumer Reports rates chiropractic vs medical care
Dr. Craig Brue You will never hear the good news about the effectiveness of chiropractic care on TV. Instead, hour after hour, day after day, our air waves are filled with drug ads that proclaim the wonders of their latest pill. The ads typically depict the healthiest and most productive people that are energetic and…
Features, March 2019
2 Your Health: Little changes with big health benefits
Dr. Craig W. Brue, DC In today’s world, many patients go to a doctor hoping for an instant cure for their health condition. These are some typical patient expectations: “Doctor, would you please give me that new drug (with all the bad side-effects) that I have been seeing on TV.” Or, “Doctor, would you please…
Features, February 2019
2 Your Heath – Lessons I learned from a smashed finger
Dr. Craig W. Brue I recently had my finger crushed in a heavy door. How long did it take for the pain to start? It was immediate. I even remembered a naughty word when it happened. Within a few minutes the finger began to swell and throb. It wasn’t long before my fingernail turned black…
Features, January 2019
2 Your Health: Cortisone shots for neck and back pain – the facts you need to know
Dr. Craig W. Brue, D.C. Are you experiencing recurring episodes of back and neck pain, sciatica, numbness in the hands, arms or legs? Has your doctor recommended a referral to a pain management doctor for a cortisone shot? Before you consider an epidural steroid shot (ESI), here are the facts you need to know. Fact…