Swimmers dominate Senior Olympics Relay Meet


Lyn Moreno

SaddleBrooke Swim Club once again dominated the Arizona Senior Olympics relay meet held at the Kino Aquatics Center in Mesa on March 11, 2018. The relay meet is one event in the Arizona Senior Olympics, which is a program of the Arizona Lifelong Fitness Foundation. The competition is for athletes over 50 years of age.

Over 40 SaddleBrooke Masters Swimmers, several swimming in their first team meet, swam a variety of relays; from butterfly relays to mixed (two men and two women) medley relays. Medley relays have four swimmers each swimming two to four lengths of one of the competitive strokes: butterfly, back, breast, or free. One highlight of the meet was watching our 75-85-year-old mixed freestyle relay team made up of Jill Fritz, Corinna Goodman, Al Worth and Ken McKinney break the national record in the 400-free relay by ten seconds. They now hold that record which will be difficult for any other team to challenge!

SaddleBrooke Masters Swim Team is made up of members of the SaddleBrooke Swim Club that have decided to swim competitively. About one third of the Club’s members compete in Regional, State or National competitions. “Going to meets gives me a motivation to swim harder in my regular workout and measures the physical condition I am in,” one SaddleBrooke swimmer reported. “It feels good to be part of a team, working out together and competing together,” another swimmer reported. Anyone interested in joining the SaddleBrooke Swim Club to swim for their health or to join the competition group should contact the club at saddlebrookeswimclub@gmail.com. New swimmers are always welcome!