Stroke/Neurological Support Group

Caregivers, it’s important to come to our meetings each month. The simple reason is that it will help you through the emotional and physical stress of caring for loved ones suffering from stroke, MS, Alzheimer’s, and any other neurological disorder. Caregivers can find themselves giving their entire day without recharging all the mental and physical strength needed to get through yet another day. Perhaps we can help one another by sharing information about how to cope and where to get resources.

We meet on the second Saturday of the month from 10 a.m. to noon in Room 4 of the Arts & Crafts Center in SaddleBrooke One. Our most recent meeting was on Nov. 9 with guest speaker Bill Counts who is an independent insurance broker. He provided cost-effective solutions for Medicare, long-term care insurance, short-term care insurance, life insurance, and annuities. He spoke on “The things that they didn’t tell us.”

Future meetings will be on Dec. 14, Jan. 11, and Feb. 8.

If you have any questions, please contact Esta Goldstein at 520-825-1181 or email