We’re looking forward to seeing many of you at our next meeting. At our meetings, we speak about the various neurological disorders and discuss our problems as caregivers. Sharing new information, listening to speakers dealing with various life matters affecting us, and making available many publications and educational tools helps us to maintain a physical and stable life.
Meetings are usually held on the second Saturday of the month.
Our speaker on Nov. 9 will be Bill Counts from the Southern Arizona Community Alzheimer’s Association.
Our speaker on Dec. 14, Kristina Rico, will be discussing various psychological and emotional problems we encounter with our loved ones and ourselves.
Please feel free to reach out for help or just to talk by contacting Esta Goldstein, president, at 520-825-1181 or [email protected].
Suggested Resources:
American Parkinson Disease Association: 520-326-5400
Alzheimer’s Association, Desert Southwest Chapter: 520-322-6601
Pinal-Gila Council for Senior Citizens: 520-836-2758
Senior Village: 520-314-1042