Ed Melnick and Judie Shyman
SaddleBrooke is such a great place to live, but the summer months can be a challenge due to the heat.
Hearing rave reviews about the Summer Citizens program in Logan, Utah, we decided to give it a try. We were amazed at the variety of activities available. You can attend week-long courses, free lectures, concerts and get internet help all set in an attractive college environment. There are a series of plays that are top-notch. Logan is organized to welcome summer citizens and make the summer an interesting and inviting location.
Our days were filled with a great variety of activities designed for the summer residents. It might be a great place for you during the summer. The representatives from the Summer Citizens Program will be coming to SaddleBrooke on February 4, 9:00 a.m. in the SaddleBrooke TWO East Ballroom to make a presentation, so try to attend if you are interested. If you have any questions, you can contact us.
You can also get information in advanced by contacting The Summer Citizens Program at 435-797-2028 or [email protected].