Spanish Culture Club News

Gail Blizard

Word for the day: ¡Próspero Año Nuevo!

The winter solstice has come and gone, and as the days lengthen into the new year many of us use this time to plan new beginnings. Oftentimes our resolutions take things away, such as that second serving of fudge ripple ice cream.

This year, why not add something new, such as joining the Spanish Culture Club? Our next regular club meeting will be on Monday, Jan. 20, at 5:30 p.m. in the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center. The program is a performance of Mexican Folklórico dance and music, provided by a student ensemble from Pueblo High School. Please join us! There will be chicken asada, provided by the club, with side dishes and desserts provided by attendees.

We are a culture club, not a language club, interested in all aspects of Latin American and Spanish culture, including art, music, and customs. Speaking Spanish is not required; however, if you’re interested in improving your Spanish, there are opportunities to do that as well.

Spanish-speaking lunches are held on the second Monday of the month at 1 p.m. Audrey Tarchine ( is the coordinator for these lunches. Please let Audrey know by the prior Friday if you are planning to attend so that she can make arrangements and confirm the location.

The club meets monthly on the third Monday of the month at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center. We generally have a potluck dinner, followed by our program. Our meetings are conducted in English. Come as a guest and try us out!

If you are interested in joining, have any questions, or would like to attend an event on a trial basis, please contact Kay Sullivan (President) at; or Susan Durchslag (Membership Chair), at