Soul’s Purpose and Near-Death Experiences–November 9

Sara Bourland

On Wednesday, Nov. 9, Rev. Lowell K. Smith will present a talk on Our Soul’s Purpose and Near-Death Experiences (NDE). He will share what he has learned from his extensive reading of NDE case studies, their life-changing experiences, and the wise messages brought back from those who experienced the brink of death. Although he has not had an NDE, Rev. Lowell has had a psychic gift since he was a small boy, which allows him to communicate with those who have passed on. He hosts gatherings and invariably he receives messages from deceased loved ones and shares whatever information his angels and spirit guides would like us to know.

Everyone’s body dies, but our Spirit—the God aspect of our being—does not. Rev. Lowell would like to remove the fear surrounding death and help us all recognize that we do not die, only our body does. Who we are and who we have become lives on as a Spirit in the afterlife realm. Thousands of NDE experiencers universally say, “We continue to exist as souls.” The age-old questions that we continue to ponder are, “Who are we, really?” and “What happens to us when we die?” These answers are available if we are open to an answer that may not initially make sense. But to Rev. Lowell, the realm of angels, spirit guides, and deceased loved ones is a natural part of our reality.

As a retired electrical engineer and physicist, he blends the rigors of scientific and academic information with his innate, intuitive knowledge. The result is a balanced approach, which provides a rich source of information for all. As a SaddleBrooke resident since 2005, he has been a delightful source of extensive and diverse information within the realm of metaphysics. No matter the topic, Rev. Lowell does a deep-dive on his research and delivers it with clarity, intelligence, and compassion.

Rev. Lowell continues to pursue his passion of studying and teaching spiritual and metaphysical principles and psychic phenomena.  Over the years, he ardently pursued higher knowledge through memberships and connections with the Association of Research & Enlightenment (A.R.E. Edgar Cayce Foundation), NOVA (Network Of Evolutionary Advancement), and Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship, just to name a few. He has the special ability to access information from the Akashic Records, which is the holographic record of everything a soul has experienced in a past or present life. Rev. Lowell may be contacted at or 520-825-5574. Website:

Please join us for “Our Soul’s Purpose and Near-Death Experiences” on Wednesday, Nov. 9, at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center at 6 p.m.

To RSVP for this event or for more information about Metaphysical Explorations, visit our website The event is free for members. A donation from guests is appreciated.

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