SaddleBrooke Barbershop Chorus (photo by Walter Fritz)
Jerry Gustafson
The SaddleBrooke Barbershop Chorus meets every Tuesday evening from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Agate Room of the SaddleBrooke TWO Arts & Crafts Center, 38725 S. Mountainview Blvd. We have been singing in SaddleBrooke since 1998 and now number about 15 singers. We put on a Christmas show in the DesertView Theatre each December. Last year we enjoyed a fantastic guest quartet out of Phoenix, Vocalocity. Which is one of the best barbershop quartets in the country! They will join us again for this year’s concert—details to follow next month.
We are part of the international Barbershop Harmony Society. It is a unique singing style. We have an excellent director and section leaders who help members learn the music and improve their singing. We have tenors (high notes), leads (melody), and the low voices singing baritone and bass. We do not compete. Our goal is to have fun, in addition to singing well. We would love to have any interested men join us for a practice or two to see if it might be something they would find enjoyable and want to get involved in.
You will find that music 1) will strengthen learning and memory, 2) will reduce your stress level, 3) will result in pleasant memories and experiences, and 4) is healthy—good for blood pressure and your brain.
We have two quartets, which are part of the Chorus. Desert Blend has been around for about 20 years and has done numerous sing-outs at local facilities and performed in the 2023 Variety Show. Our latest quartet, the Catalina Keynotes, just started this year.
The Chorus or quartets are available to sing in or outside of SaddleBrooke. If you need good entertainment for an event you are planning, please contact us to see what we can offer.
Join us! You’ll have a ball!
If you have any questions, contact Bruce Kistler at 520-306-2113. Also, see our website www.saddlebrookebarbershopchorus.org.