Senior Village members (left to right): Jim Jevne, Barbara Carlson, Nancy Brackett, and Beatrice Simpson celebrate at a birthday luncheon organized by Senior Village volunteer Deb Donahue.
Suzanne Marlatt-Stewart
“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” (Oprah Winfrey)
No matter what your age, birthdays are special occasions to be honored. Senior Village volunteers agree! Each month, they invite Village members to a no-host lunch to have the opportunity to share their birthday with others. Members may bring a spouse or guest to take part in the celebration.
The Catalina dining room at the Mesquite Grill sparkles with festive decorations—colorful balloons and hats and a birthday banner draped across the wall. Deb Donahue, the March volunteer hostess, greets each guest with a warm smile. Members quickly become acquainted with each other as they talk about where they came from, when they moved to SaddleBrooke, and other tidbits from their lives.
A couple of guests share that the first time they drove over the hill into SaddleBrooke, they knew they were home. People they have met here have become their family. Senior Village volunteers recognize that socialization is very important for their members, so they provide activities, such as the monthly birthday parties, that give seniors opportunities to meet new friends.
Lively conversation continues during lunch. Of course, no birthday is complete without singing “Happy Birthday” and eagerly awaiting the decorated, iced cake that can’t be resisted. Each member receives a special birthday goody bag stuffed with mini gifts such as a Kleenex packet, small notebook, pens, M&Ms, and granola bars. Some of our members have told us that this is the only birthday present they receive.
The festivities culminate with a drawing of raffle tickets. At the March celebration, Beatrice Simpson took home a cuddly lap blanket and Jim Jevne won a couple of coasters and a washcloth. Talented ladies from the Knit Wits Club donated these lovely, handcrafted gifts.
This is truly a fun event. Remember that life isn’t about age, it is about living. Be thankful for each birthday, remember the year that just passed, and anticipate with a joyful heart what the coming year may bring.
If you would like to become a member of Senior Village to enjoy social gatherings or if you need transportation or help in your home or yard, call 520-314-1042. New volunteers always are welcome to become part of our teams. You can also contact us online at www.seniorvillage.org.