How to Win Big and Benefit Senior Village

50/50 Raffle winners Kay and Terry McCollum
Kelli Beasley
Early raffle ticket sales are strong for the Senior Village benefit, and someone will win up to $3,500 ($500 guaranteed minimum). The drawing will take place at NRG Wealth Management’s Beach Bash at the Brooke on April 1 from 4 to 8 p.m. at the MountainView Ballroom. Raffle winner need not be present to win.
The winners of the 50/50 raffle at last year’s Beach Bash almost didn’t buy the winning ticket. Terry and Kay McCollum attended the event, bought some auction items, and were enjoying themselves when they learned Senior Village was $20 short of its raffle goal. Terry whisked out a $20 bill and said, “Now you’ve met your goal!”
According to Terry, he and Kay were on the dance floor when his name was announced. Terry yelled, “I’m going to Vegas!” Terry attends a business conference in Las Vegas annually. He took some of the Beach Bash winnings and played a 25-cent slot machine. To his shock and surprise, he won another $1,500, thanks to the winnings from his Senior Village Beach Bash raffle ticket.
You, too, can enjoy a festive Hawaiian dinner and dance to Chuck Moses. The silent auction features items such as a wine tasting for 20, beautiful jewelry, Gregory Peck autographed memorabilia, and exciting themed baskets donated by many SaddleBrooke units. A live auction of a coveted SaddleBrooke One Library Dinner will be held, as well as the much-anticipated raffle drawing. In addition to the 50/50 raffle, some lucky people will win the Arizona Dude Ranch experience for four, generously donated by True Ranch Hospitality.
So, do Kay and Terry plan to attend the Beach Bash this year? Absolutely! In fact, they invited relatives to stay a day beyond their winter rental just to attend Beach Bash 2023. Why? Terry said, “Because it’s so much fun!”
The winnings of the 50/50 raffle multiplied in unexpected ways for the McCollums. Your support of Senior Village multiplies in equally amazing ways, as Senior Village serves to help members live their best lives on their own … but never alone.
This is typically a sold-out event, so buy your Beach Bash event tickets early. They are $75 each and may be purchased at the SaddleBrooke TWO Administration office at MountainView or online at Raffle tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20 and can be purchased by emailing
Wanna have fun? See you at the Bash!
Spring Recycling Event
It’s time for spring house cleaning! Thanks to Senior Village, you can dispose of your electronics, computers, phones, paint, and household chemicals in one quick trip to the MountainView clubhouse parking lot at SaddleBrooke TWO on Saturday, March 25, from 9 a.m. to noon.
Senior Village uses Suburban Miners for this event. It is an eWaste facility where everything is done by hand rather than large machinery. As a family-owned company, they strive to provide the highest quality service to clients. They are diligent about conforming to all environmental laws and regulations and global recycling standards.
This year there will be a $10 charge per car, plus a $10 charge for a flat-screen TV and $20 for CRT (large) TVs.
Senior Village volunteers will direct traffic, disable hard drives, and unload vehicles.
This event is open to all SaddleBrooke residents.
Acceptable Items:
* Computers and tablets
* TV, phones, printers
* Batteries
* Motor oil
* Paint and paint thinner
* Pesticides, fertilizers, household cleaning chemicals
* Fluorescent lights
No paper, cardboard, clothing, books, or furniture will be accepted at this event.
Music Matinee March 14
The next free Music Matinee brought to you by Senior Village will be March 14 in the Sonoran Room at MountainView from 2:30 to 4 p.m.
Join SaddleBrooke resident Sean Lewis who will be performing memorable songs from the ‘50s to the ‘80s. You’ll hear selections from the Beatles, the Eagles, the Bee Gees, Elton John, Jim Croce, Glen Campbell, B. J. Thomas, Burt Bacharach, Neil Young, and more. Sean is a popular performer at several Southern Arizona venues and has played at both HOAs in SaddleBrooke.
Music Matinees in 2023 will feature a variety of talent in SaddleBrooke. Programs may vary each month. All SaddleBrooke is invited. If you have suggestions for future performers, please contact JoAnn Wilbour at
Senior Village Activities and Events
Senior Village at SaddleBrooke provides simple, non-medical services for members and serves as a resource to the Greater SaddleBrooke Community. Activities for members and the general SaddleBrooke community are available throughout the year. Confirming the date, location, and time of an event is easy. Just visit and scroll down to the “Activities & Events” link for details.
Events for the Entire SaddleBrooke Community:
Safety Seminars are held monthly on topics designed to help keep you safe. There is no charge to attend and no reservation is required. Questions? Email
Music Matinees: March 14 and monthly thereafter at the SaddleBrooke TWO MountainView clubhouse, Sonoran Room, at 2 p.m.
SaddleBag Notes Deliveries: The fourth Thursday of each month
SaddleBrooke Recycle: March 25 from 9 a.m. until noon at the MountainView clubhouse parking area. Safe recycling of electronics, computers, cell phones, and chemicals such as old paint, oil, and household cleansers. There is a $10 fee per car and an additional fee to recycle TVs; $10 for flat-screen TVs and $20 for CRT (large) TVs. There is no additional charge for other items.
New Volunteer Orientation: The third Monday of each month. Contact the volunteer coordinator at
Events for Senior Village Members Only:
Book Club: The third Thursday of each month at 2 p.m. RSVP is required; email
Men’s Social Hour: At 4 p.m. on the fourth Monday of each month in the East Room of the MountainView clubhouse. This is a “Dutch treat” event. Contact David Bull at for information or to RSVP.
Beach Bash at the Brooke: Saturday, April 1, at 4 p.m. $75 tickets are on sale at the MountainView Administrative office. This casual, beach-themed dinner dance will take you back to the ‘60s with music from Chuck Moses. A silent auction is included. Like last year, this will likely sell out, so get tickets early.
Raffle: A 50/50 raffle will win someone up to $3,500 or, if preferred, a two-night stay for four people at one of three Southern Arizona authentic Dude Ranches. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. Email Drawing will be held April 1 at the Beach Bash. Winner need not be present to win.
Open Letter to SaddleBrooke from Senior Village
Mardie Toney, Chair of the Board, and Linda Hampton, Executive Director
A Home at Last!
After nearly eight years of not having a permanent office location, Senior Village has purchased a small plot of private land on Acacia Hills just outside the security gate with the intent of building an office there. We will finally be able to answer the oft-asked question: Where is Senior Village? Our board of directors has spent the last three years looking for and considering suitable, available property within SaddleBrooke, including rental in the Minit Mart. We hit roadblocks legally and financially at every turn.
Knowing that the business of Senior Village cannot function indefinitely without an office, we continued our search. The property on Acacia Hills is just the right size for an office, with the added plus of being adjacent to a SaddleBrooke One plot. The first step is to rezone the property, and this is the phase we are currently in. Until Pinal County approves a rezoning request, nothing definitive can be done. Our desire for an office and community space is a direct response to the needs of the SaddleBrooke community. Senior Village is dedicated to serving the residents of SaddleBrooke now and in the future, and a permanent office represents this enduring commitment.
It is our understanding that SaddleBrooke One, the owner of the adjacent property, is seeking their board’s approval to conduct feasibility studies for a project they are considering. If Pinal County approves our rezoning request, Senior Village and SaddleBrooke One may share some of the expenses for engineering and other costs associated with the adjoining properties. The cost of site preparation and the delivery of water and sewer services are obvious areas for cost-sharing consideration.
The leadership of Senior Village views this as a long-term project which will traverse several phases. As the project progresses, Senior Village will share exciting updates with all of SaddleBrooke.