Free Piano Performances
Senior Village is hosting a series of free piano performances for the entire SaddleBrooke community. The piano matinee is the idea of the Senior Village Friendly Contact team who create social activities, birthday parties, game days, and more for Senior Village members interested in more interaction with others. The team wanted to bring this event to all SaddleBrooke as a gift for its ongoing support.
The piano series began in August and will continue through the end of the year. Concerts will feature different pianists at both the MountainView Clubhouse and the SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse. Mark your calendars for the remainder of the year:
SaddleBrooke One
Oct. 17, noon to 1:30 p.m.
Nov. 21, 1:30 to 3 p.m.
December (to be determined)
Oct. 20, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Nov. 17, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Dec. 22, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
People who attended the first concert with Dan Bergquist report that the afternoon was relaxing and pleasant as they enjoyed fine musical entertainment, and they are looking forward to the series. Senior Village expresses appreciation to the pianists who share their talent with friends and neighbors in SaddleBrooke.
This monthly piano series offers SaddleBrooke a special time with friends and neighbors while unwinding to favorite piano melodies. Watch for updates about this ongoing series brought to the community by Senior Village at SaddleBrooke.
National Estate Planning Awareness Week October 17 thru 23
Estate planning is something many of us think we will get to—someday. Why not now? Please think of Senior Village at SaddleBrooke when you do. Your gifts to Senior Village help the community today but also support the SaddleBrooke of the future.
You can give through a will or living trust, or through beneficiary designations in retirement plans, life insurance policies, or donor advised funds. Many supporters also consider gifts that pay them back for life, such as charitable gift annuities.
We suggest talking to your attorney or financial advisor, and call us at 520-314-1042 if information about our tax-deductibility status is needed.
With your help, the future of Senior Village at SaddleBrooke can be bright!
October Is Time to Give Where You Live
The month of October is Senior Village’s Give Where You Live annual fund drive.
What does that mean? It’s a time for SaddleBrooke residents to invest in their own community through the caring network of Senior Village. You can be assured that your charitable giving dollars stay right here in SaddleBrooke and support the activities that help us take care of each other.
It is seeing Senior Village in action that causes most people to decide to Give Where You Live.
For Jonathan Green, a snowbird from Oconomowoc, Wis., it was the COVID immunization campaign that made him aware of Senior Village and its ability to mobilize a team of volunteers to meet an urgent need in the community. Jonathan says, “I started giving to Senior Village through Arizona’s unique tax credit program, designating Senior Village as the recipient. I liked the idea of directing my state taxes to a cause that’s important to me. Senior Village expressed gratitude for my contribution. I liked that, too, because other charities had not done that. I can also direct my Required Minimum Distribution to a tax-free contribution to Senior Village” (SV is a Qualified Charitable Organization.)
Jonathan is one of many SaddleBrooke people who likes the idea of their charitable contributions going to a local, trusted organization.
Whether you support Senior Village with an automatic deduction from your checking account, a single donation, Amazon Smile, a gift from your estate, or some other way, you will be supporting services like:
* Going My Way: Transportation to medical and other appointments
* Helping Hands: Assistance with light household projects
* Home Automation: Help with technology like Alexa
* Friendly contact: Home visits and social calls
* Forms and Documents: Guidance on how to manage financial/medical information
* Moving On: Information and visits to alternate local living arrangements
A monthly Auto Pay can be arranged through your bank. Donations up to $400 for singles and $800 for joint filing are available through the Arizona Tax Credit. Senior Village can be selected as the recipient of 0.5% of each Amazon purchase when you log in to your account through Planned giving through your estate will make it possible for future residents to enjoy as much time as possible in their own homes in the SaddleBrooke community.
When you Give Where You Live, you invest in sustaining these services now and in the future for Senior Village members. It is truly Neighbors Helping Neighbors. Senior Village helps you live your best life on your own, but not alone.
To learn more about donation options or to become a member or volunteer, call Senior Village at 520-314-1042. Contributions may be sent directly to Senior Village, P.O. Box 8584, Tucson, AZ 85738. Learn more on the website
Senior Village Thanksgiving
For many of us, Thanksgiving recalls smiles, cherished memories, delightful aromas, and winning football teams. The fresh autumn air and the fall colors perk us up a bit as we look forward to a vibrant holiday season. Thanksgiving is a traditional holiday shared with family, friends, and new and old acquaintances and always reminds us of the need to be grateful and carry a warm heart.
For some, the prospect of the holiday can be met with less than cheerful anticipation. Perhaps because, for them, the holiday celebration is a lonely one. Okay, maybe you can share the turkey with the cat, but is it the same as having turkey with all the trimmings among friends?
Senior Village is aware that some Senior Village members will be without company. The answer is for Senior Village to have a Thanksgiving event. We have done just that with the help of MountainView who has reserved a private room for Senior Village during their Thanksgiving dinner event.
The menu, cost to participate, and schedule will be announced as SaddleBrooke TWO refines their plans. What we know now is that a private dining area adjacent to the buffet has been reserved at the MountainView Clubhouse. The room seats 23 Senior Village members and a volunteer hostess. If you are interested, please send an email with your name, phone number, and email address to A Senior Village volunteer will contact you.
You must be a member of Senior Village to attend. Please be on the lookout for further information.
At Thanksgiving we look forward to time spent together celebrating the bounty of life. Sharing the holiday with others is welcoming and joyful. Senior Village hopes that Thanksgiving will be caring and heartfelt for all. The making of new memories with your Senior Village friends is what we are about!