An Easy Decision at Tax Time
Linda Hampton
Donating to Senior Village has never been easier than at tax time. You can let the state decide how your tax dollars will be used, or you can decide you would rather direct the tax dollars for use in your own community. Arizona allows you to decide how your tax dollars will be used when you take advantage of the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit. Senior Village is considered a Qualifying Charitable Organization (QCO) by the state. You will experience a dollar-for-dollar reduction in the amount of tax you owe when you donate to Senior Village. Individuals may deduct up to $400, and married couples filing jointly may deduct up to $800. Donations of lesser amounts may also be applied to the tax credit.
What do Senior Village donors say about the tax credit opportunity?
“We did not donate to Senior Village for the purpose of the taking the tax credit, but last year we became aware of the opportunity. Because of the tax credit, we increased the size of our donation to Senior Village. It seems we always owe the state, anyway!”—CK
“We don‘t reduce our donation to Senior Village to compensate for what we normally owe the state. Instead, we wind up giving more, because we predetermine our giving dollars on an annual basis. At tax time, we just donate the amount we would pay in taxes and then take the tax credit on top of our normal contribution.”—KK
“In the back of my mind was the idea of donating to Senior Village. I always meant to but never got around to it. Then I was having my taxes done, and I was asked if I had any charitable donations to claim. I wrote a check to Senior Village that very day, and I watched as the amount I owed the state went down. It was amazing, and I am so grateful that our tax preparer reminded me.”—JH
It’s not too late. You can make a donation right up to April 15, 2022 and claim the deduction on your 2021 tax returns. Please consult your tax preparer about the process.
The Senior Village QCO number is 20990.
The Federal ID number is 47-5552021.
All donations to Senior Village remain in SaddleBrooke and benefit this community. You may donate safely online at Select the big yellow button at the top left of the home page. You can also mail a check to Senior Village at SaddleBrooke, P.O. Box 8584, Tucson, AZ 85738.

After returning from a Senior Village new member orientation, Esta Goldstein enters their information into the Village’s membership database.
Esta Goldstein, Volunteer for the Senior Village Membership Team
Melanie Einbaum
When my husband and I decided to move to SaddleBrooke, and we began reading the SaddleBag Notes and SaddleBrooke Progress, we learned about Senior Village. It was our goal to join Senior Village and volunteer, based on all that we read.
Once we moved in, we reached out to Senior Village to become members. Guess what. Within 48 hours, we had an appointment with Esta Goldstein for membership intake!
Esta prepared us for our intake interview by making certain that we had all of our information complete before we met. This is the homework assignment she gives to each potential Senior Village member before being interviewed. She wants to make certain everyone is prepared and understands the forms and their answers.
Now comes the tricky part. When asked to do an article profiling the membership team, how could I resist?
Recently, Esta and I talked about her role. Esta began volunteering with Senior Village in its early stages. Her biggest impression was that lockboxes were set up throughout the community. This is a major safety feature and can readily help those in emergencies. Shortly after joining, Esta was asked to volunteer to do membership intake for the Senior Village membership team.
For those of you who have met and know Esta, she is personable and caring. Often, she has had to listen to those who have special requests. Her belief that “you can always find a way to help everyone” has helped many who had no other way to seek assistance. Esta believes that her real estate background, which included in-depth interviews with her clients, helped her to prepare for this role.
Esta loves meeting new people and is willing to ask them what they want and need. Learning about people is very important to her. She readily talks about why Senior Village is so important to our community. A special win is when she gets a new volunteer, making it possible to offer more services to SaddleBrooke residents. Esta says she will continue until she can’t anymore. With Senior Village, she is not alone and feels safe.
If you’re interested in joining Senior Village at SaddleBrooke, call 520-314-1042.
Senior Village Presents Recycling Event to Include Household Hazardous Waste
In partnership with Suburban Miners, Senior Village announces the next recycling event will include household hazardous waste materials.
The recycling event is on Saturday, April 23, from 9 a.m. to noon at 38759 S. Mountain View Blvd. in the parking lot at the SaddleBrooke TWO clubhouse.
Senior Village volunteers will assist by directing traffic, disabling hard drives, and unloading vehicles. Here is a list of items that will be accepted at this event:
* Computers and tablets (hard drives shredded)
* TV, phones, printers
* Batteries of all kinds, including automobile
* Motor oil
* Paint and paint thinner
* Pesticides, fertilizers, and household cleaning chemicals
* Fluorescent lights
No paper, cardboard, clothing, books, or furniture will be accepted at this event.
Examples of household hazardous waste are batteries, paint and paint thinner, pesticides and fertilizers, and fluorescent lights. This event also includes household electronics, mobile phones, computers, TVs, etc. SaddleBrooke residents may drop off electronics and household hazardous waste free of charge, with the exception of large screen TVs, for which there will be a $25 change.