Senior Village Thanks the Community
Diane Demeroutis
“It takes a village” rings true when it comes to Senior Village at SaddleBrooke. As the wise Greek Aesop expressed, “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” In addition to unbounded gratitude for the thousands of hours spent annually by the Village’s 210 volunteers to provide needed services for 1,200 members, Senior Village also wants to thank our generous donors and organizations who have given of their time, talents, services, and funds in the past year, which allowed the Village to help our community.
For their amazing, varied talents, Senior Village thanks:
* Mask Makers groups created colorful, hygienic masks to be distributed free of charge.
* Knit Wits donated handmade scrubbies, shrugs, and lap robes for Village birthday lunch raffles.
* Winds & Strings treated residents to a free concert in honor of clinic volunteers.
* Paper Crafters created birthday cards that Village volunteers send to each member; it is a much-appreciated ongoing project, especially with the growing membership of the Village.
For their generous logistical support during the vaccine project, Senior Village recognizes:
* Patrols of SaddleBrooke One and SaddleBrooke TWO, who handled traffic support.
* SaddleBrooke One provided the venue, and SaddleBrooke TWO provided the area for shuttle parking.
* Pinal County Sheriff’s office and citizen volunteers participated in traffic control.
For their financial support of our mission, Senior Village sends appreciation to:
* Pool Players of the Brooke, who donated tournament raffle proceeds.
* Unit 28 Book Club, who contributed to the Senior Village Gift Fund.
* TRICO Electric Company for funding.
For recognizing the efforts of all volunteers, Senior Village extends thanks to:
* U.S. Congress Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for the vaccination clinic.
* Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke, who awarded Senior Village a plaque for Organization of the Year.
SaddleBrooke continues to be an awesome community where we help each other. At his visit to a Saturday clinic, Arizona Congressman Thomas O’Halleran said, “What works in America are the people in America, their ability to come together.” Together, we are better. Thank you to each person, group, and organization that helped Senior Village fulfill our mission during the past year.

Volunteer Dennis Reisinger installs a home access lockbox to be opened by first responders in an emergency. Senior Village installs lockboxes free for any SaddleBrooke resident.
Home Lockbox for Emergency Access: Reduced Price, Free Installation
Stephanie Thomas
The wail of a siren and the roar of a fire engine catch our attention no matter what we are doing. Those sounds perk our ears. They signal an emergency, a possible life and death situation, when every second counts.
What happens if you are home alone when a crisis like this occurs, and you cannot reach your front door to allow access to the first responders? How many precious moments are lost breaking into your house to administer help?
Monique Salvio recently had her lockbox installed “as a precaution.” She was going to be out of town for a week and was concerned for her 88-year-old partner, who uses a walker. Left alone, he might not be able to open the door in an emergency. Monique also realized that, “if something were to happen to me, my partner can’t help me.”
There’s no excuse for not having an emergency lockbox at your front door. They are literally lifesavers and now have dropped to only $50, thanks to Senior Village purchasing them in bulk.
* Call Senior Village at 520-240-0149 and leave a message requesting a lockbox. You will receive a call back to arrange for delivery.
* Make out a check for $50 payable to “Senior Village at SaddleBrooke” (cash and credit cards not accepted).
* At the time of delivery, you will receive an instructional flyer on how to arrange for free installation by Senior Village.
* It is not necessary to be a member of the Village to receive this service.
* The lockbox will be installed next to the front door in plain sight for first responders.
* Once your lockbox is installed and a spare key is made, call the Golder Ranch Fire Department to request key placement inside the lockbox. Only authorized fire district personnel can open the box.
If you already have a lockbox, do you know if the key inside can open your front door? Many homeowners change locks, and it’s easy to forget about what’s inside the lockbox. For peace of mind, call Golder Ranch Fire Department at 520-825-9001 ext. 2102 and request that a representative open your lockbox so you can check the contents.
Get busy, call Senior Village and arrange for a lockbox at 520-240-0149.
For information on becoming a Senior Village member, call 520-314-1042 or visit for information on how to volunteer.

Volunteers Karen Jahn and Sandy Morse await Health Fair visitors at the Senior Village booth.
Visit the Senior Village Booth at the Annual Health Fair
Andrea Molberg
Wondering about all the services Senior Village provides to its over 1,200 members? Thinking you could use some help? Or are you wondering about how you might get involved and even experience the “helper’s high”—the happiness associated with helping others? Find out at the SaddleBrooke Health Fair on Saturday, Oct. 23, from 9 a.m. to noon.
COVID has made us vividly aware of how important health and relationships are. As you explore the fair’s booths to meet local medical providers, get a flu shot, and pick up health information, look for the large Senior Village banner at the SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse. Volunteers will be on hand to answer questions and provide handouts about Senior Village’s many member services and numerous volunteer opportunities.
Senior Village is part of the national “aging in place” movement, with neighbors helping neighbors. No doubt you witnessed Senior Village’s incredible volunteer effort with Desert Life Pharmacy to vaccinate SaddleBrooke. Senior Village volunteers also drive members to appointments, install lockboxes, help with simple tasks around the house, loan medical equipment, consult on computer issues, and coordinate friendly visits and calls. A new volunteer team, Forms and Documents, helps members organize and fill in papers associated with estates and business matters.
Need help or want to provide some? Whether you’re 60 or 90, Senior Village can make your life easier and better. Stop by at the fair to find out more!