Senior Village at SaddleBrooke – Neighbors helping Neighbors

Executive Director Linda Hampton

Executive Director Linda Hampton

Senior Village at SaddleBrooke Selects Executive Director

David Loendorf

Senior Village at SaddleBrooke proudly announces the hiring of Linda Hampton as Executive Director to manage the rapid growth of our non-profit organization. Linda comes to the Village after serving 10 years as the Executive Director of the Marana Food Bank, a branch of the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona. She brings with her a wealth of experience working with volunteers, managing the day-to-day operations of a community resource center and a 2 million dollar annual budget.

Linda’s responsibilities as Executive Director will focus on coordinating the services performed by 170 volunteers for the 850 Village members, overseeing four part-time staff, working closely with team leaders and volunteers, and consulting with the Board of Directors to set future goals and maintain financial stability.

“I am happiest in a position where I know I can be of service,” Linda said. “What attracted me to Senior Village at SaddleBrooke is the neighbor-helping-neighbor model and the dedication of the Board of Directors and 170 volunteers who recognize that living independently for seniors may require a helping hand from time to time. I couldn’t be more excited about this opportunity,” she added.

Having lived in Tucson most of her life, Linda remembers when the SaddleBrooke area was a landscape of rolling hills perfect for hiking. Now, she marvels at the beauty of the community where people care deeply about the wellbeing of their neighbors—even those they have not yet met. The level of support Senior Village receives from volunteers and patrons is a testament to the quality of life in the community.

Linda can be reached by email at or by phone at 520-354-8340.

Senior Village volunteer Tom Borkovec presents member Elizabeth Conti with a surprise holiday gift basket.

Senior Village volunteer Tom Borkovec presents member Elizabeth Conti with a surprise holiday gift basket.

Elves Deliver Holiday Baskets in SaddleBrooke

Suzanne Marlatt Stewart

Have you ever thought of what it would be like to be alone during the holidays—no family to share festivities, meals, or gifts? Senior Village volunteers know the importance of giving something special to members during this time. This year will be especially difficult with so many people staying home and not able to have personal interaction with family or friends. Often, holidays can be an emotional time characterized by depression and social isolation.

These gift baskets for randomly selected Village members are intended to brighten the season and let SaddleBrooke residents know that they are remembered by their neighbors. Eighty baskets have been shared in the last three years.

A grateful recipient last year sent an appreciative note to Senior Village.

“I just want to let you know that I received a lovely Christmas basket. I’m very touched. I don’t remember the last time I had a Christmas present and such a nice array of gifts. Like I said, I am very touched and very grateful for it. I thank you very, very much. Merry Christmas to you all.”

Basket coordinator Mona Sullivan and her team start baking and preparing the baskets months ahead. Last year and this year, many of our volunteers have stepped up to make homemade breads, cookies, and jelly for the baskets. Several residents of SaddleBrooke that are not Senior Village volunteers offered to help with the baking and enjoy being part of this annual program. All hands are appreciated.

This holiday basket project is a team effort that includes not only the bakers, but a team to assemble the baskets. Among the gift items are kitchen towels, hand cream, hand sanitizer, and hand soap; all packaged with a colorful bow. Once again, Paper Crafters will create bundles of holiday cards for each basket. Peggy Ogier, Lois Violanti, Diane Ewing, and Mona Sullivan are the team to bring the baskets together.

In December, Santa’s elves deliver holiday baskets to the surprised, selected members. As one recipient exclaimed, “Very dear friends, thank you, thank you, thank you! What a wonderful surprise to get that wonderful Christmas basket. What great cooks you have! What you are doing for our community is such a blessed thing. God bless you all. Thank you for all you do!”

Senior Village established a Gift Fund for contributions specifically directed toward holiday gift baskets with the hope that, in the future, spring baskets will also be delivered to random members. Donations marked for the Gift Fund or general Village donations can be sent to Senior Village, PO Box 8584, Tucson, AZ 85738. For more information, call us at 520-314-1042.

Diocese of Tucson Invites Public to Participate in Food Drive

Kate Ord

The Diocese of Tucson and St. Vincent de Paul invite the public to a holiday season food drive to help Tucson Metro area families and individuals experiencing severe hardships due to the pandemic.

All event and distribution volunteers will be wearing gloves and masks, and donors are asked to remain in their cars to minimize risk. Those unable to purchase food or drop it off are encouraged to make online donations to St. Vincent de Paul at

Please note—volunteers are needed on Dec. 12 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the St. Vincent de Paul Warehouse to sort, box, and help distribute donations to Parish pantry locations throughout Pima County. To volunteer, please contact St. Vincent de Paul’s Volunteer Coordinator Carmen Bungert at 520-623-6351 or

Who: The Diocese of Tucson in partnership with St. Vincent de Paul

What: Food Drive—donations of nonperishable food items*

Where: St. Vincent de Paul Warehouse, 829 W. Sixth Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85701

When: Saturday, Dec. 12, 1 to 5 p.m.

Why: To address the current critical need for food for local individuals and families

*Non-perishable food item recommendations:

• Canned items: meat, fish, chicken, soups/stews, vegetables, and fruits

• Cooking supplies: sugar, flour, and cooking oils

• Breakfast items: cereals, instant oatmeal, pancake mix, and pancake syrup

• Lunch spreads: peanut butter and jelly

• Powdered and shelf-stable milk

• Staples: rice, beans, and macaroni and cheese

• Child-friendly snacks: individual fruit/pudding cups, dried fruit, and crackers

Benefit Senior Village While Shopping Online

Ed Kula

Earn money for Senior Village when you shop from home on Amazon! Senior Village is one of many not-for-profit organizations across the country to partner with Amazon to generate funds for accomplishing our mission of helping SaddleBrooke residents continue to live independently in their homes. Friends of Senior Village can help us raise additional dollars by making their routine Amazon purchases through the Smile program.

Amazon Smile rebates half of one percent of the online purchase price for all qualified purchases to designated beneficiaries like Senior Village of SaddleBrooke. During the last 12 months, that equates to $500 in additional income for the Village to help our SaddleBrooke neighbors with transportation and home services.

There is no particular form to be completed or special registration for purchasers. Buyers who wish to direct the rebates to the Village just need to:

* Go to the Senior Village website at

* Scroll down and open Patrons and Village Friends.

* Scroll down to Amazon Smile.

* Click on the link. So easy!

* At that point, you can start shopping as you usually do on Amazon.

* Once the purchase is completed, the rebate is calculated and sent directly to Senior Village at SaddleBrooke, Inc.

As distance shopping and home delivery continue to increase in popularity, this is a no-hassle way to benefit the Village’s Neighbors Helping Neighbors programs. Sign up with Amazon Smile and help fill Senior Village’s stocking. For more information or to become a member or volunteer, contact 520-314-1042.

Direct Your IRA Contributions Tax Free to Senior Village

Ed Kula

Everyone perks up at the words tax free! Owners of traditional IRAs can take advantage of tax-exempt contributions to Senior Village directly from their retirement accounts. This is known as a qualified charitable distribution (QCD). The federal tax code allows distributions with sizable limits to be donated to 501(c)(3)s like Senior Village and be exempt from otherwise taxable income.

In order to qualify, distributions must be made directly to Senior Village from the owner’s IRA. Owners initiate the process by issuing a directive to their IRA provider/administrator. Payment is processed directly to Senior Village and does not pass through the owner.

To qualify, donors must be at least age 70.5. Distributions are generally limited to $100,000 per year and can satisfy required minimum distribution (RMD). Roth IRAs have other requirements. The Village’s federal tax ID is 47-5552021. Further information regarding QCD’s can be found at

IRA owners should contact their tax advisors for further information and guidance. QCD’s can be sent to: Senior Village at SaddleBrooke, PO Box 8584, Tucson, AZ 85738. To become a Village member or volunteer, contact 520-314-1042 for more information.